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Program that resets trial programs (30 day trials, 15 day trials, etc)

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Ok, I did the Riddler thing..but I dont think it worked.

I got DOS running and I typed this:
C:\Windows\SMARTDRV (Enter)

And it just went right to the next line, and when I go to IE (Other people still use it, other than me) there are a few URL's in the pulldown bar.
Did I type that wrong, do I have to type the full URL each time?


If your privacy is absolutely, positively so important to you that you can't allow anyone at all to ever see what websites and downloads you've visited then:

1. Just don't use Windows. I'd explain why but it's covered in so many other articles all over the web.

2. If you're running Linux (and that's just one example - there are loads of other secure OS's out there for the i386) you can mount your ~/.netscape/cache directory (if you're using Netscape) on a seperate 100MB partition and zero it every time you log on or off the machine. Practically no chance of anyone finding out what you've been up to. Unless of course you're on a corporate LAN which is logged through the proxy server...

In any case, if you're really *that* worried about what you're leaving behind, read up as much about cache files etc. as you can, to understand more about them and how to get rid of them. Google is Your Friend.

Ok, does anyone know if I did something wrong in MS DOS?
C:\Windows\SMARTDRV (Enter)

I won't be using IE anymore, i'm gonna use once I get rid of this it wont be a problem.

And, how do you get rid of find fast?


I'm afraid I've never really used IE on any of my regular systems, so I can't really say what you might have been doing wrong there.

However, the commands you listed in your post seem to do the following:

start up SMARTDRV - all this does is speed up disk access in DOS mode, if it doesn't work it won't affect your results.

delete c:\temp.  As far as I know, IE has never kept any of its files in there anyway.

The directories you really want to delete are the later ones mentioned in the article: cookies, tempor~1 and history.

From what you've said it seems that for whatever reason you didn't actually make it that far?

What OS are you using? The deltree command certainly doesn't work on my Win2K machine, so it may be something like that...

Sorry... forgot about FindFast!

Horrible program. Will steal many resources from you with no benefit.

1. Remove it from your (and all other profiles) startup folder. Usually start-programs-startup.

2. Remove all indices... start-control panel-findfast and delete the C: drive index (plus any other drives/partitions you may have).


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