All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Program that resets trial programs (30 day trials, 15 day trials, etc)

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how big an inbox would one need to cope with such an arrangement?

640MB     ISPs *love* it when you try and email 640MB ISO files.  It's good for their mail servers, and the dialup user just loves to receive files this big.  Wonder how many weeks it would take for the receiver to be online waiting for his message to download to his local machine?  

i guess 3 weeks, given telephone cable noise/sync issues/other x factor.
Great! I can just set my cd image to download, then nip off on a 3 week holiday, and it MIGHT be finished by the time i get back! (except that the isp would have cut me off after 4 hours!)
The wonders of modern technology!   ;)

Master of Reality:
it took me around 3 hours to dl three mandrake iso's
(there is three cd's for mandrake)



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