All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Microsoft Ending Support for WIN2K
Junior Ransom:
I heard a rumor somewhere that Microsoft is ending support for Win2K in 2004
Does anyone know anthing about this?
okay, here's my answer:
not me, i certainly don't use that shitheap of an "operating" system...
quote:Originally posted by Junior:
I heard a rumor somewhere that Microsoft is ending support for Win2K in 2004
Does anyone know anthing about this?
--- End quote ---
This news to me, I didn't know Miscro$oft provided support for any of their products !! :confused: Or does posting patches for their latest fuck up constitute support ?
quote:Junior: I heard a rumor somewhere that Microsoft is ending support for Win2K in 2004
Does anyone know anthing about this?
--- End quote ---
Microsoft is ending it's support for Windows 2000 in April 2005.
And welcome to the forums!
Those damn bastards....most offices still use Win2k. This will cost companies millions to upgrade.
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