All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Microsoft Ending Support for WIN2K
quote:Originally posted by ShawnD1:
Those damn bastards....most offices still use Win2k. This will cost companies millions to upgrade.
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Why does it matter? Just because they don't support it doesn't mean anything. The only trouble is some new programs won't work in 2K - and new programs are designed for XP and some only work in XP anyway.
A lot of programs don't work in 2K, you should be used to that.
Why the fuck does this matter? Even if they were stupid enough to terminate licenses on that date, it still wouldnt mean a fucking thing.... Win2k is shit, and should be nuked...
And yup 2K is a pile of poodle poop :cool:
quote: I heard a rumor somewhere that Microsoft is ending support for Win2K in 2004
Does anyone know anthing about this?
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Did they ever support winshite 2000??? I remember calling M$ support once quite some ago as my computer was being really slow... And the guy said the best thing to do was to reinstall my computer!
And more recently, I call redhat support about my sound card! I could not get it to work correctly and they did not suggest to reinstall my computer. Instead they ssh'd into my computer and fixed it there and then
quote:Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
Or does posting patches for their latest fuck up constitute support ?
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And this is pretty important. Look at how many *$ing idiots didn't apply the RPC patch and what happened to the internet becasue of it. Now imagine what would have happened if all the smart people who took care of patching their winboxes couldn't.
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