All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

why should i care?


Hi, i am new here.

I use Win2k, and am quite happy with it and never seem to have any major problems... Now I have heard all this bad stuff about Microsoft, but I still don't know much. Now my question is...

WHY SHOULD I CARE? Im quite happy using a MS product, and never seem to have any problems.. My friend keeps telling me to switch to Linux, but has yet to convince me that the world is going to end if i don't.

Windows does everything i want it to, so why should i make a change? Is this political or something?

rightyho, click here for a fuller explanation of some reasons to avoid microsoft's software.

currently security, privacy and usability are key issues.

it is not the responsibility of anybody on here to spoon feed you reasons to switch from something you are happy with to something you know little about, but linux is free, can be installed on the same computer as an existing windows system, and is more stable and more versatile. make your own choice.

if you do ever have a problem in windows, I suggest you read this page


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