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quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
The last time i got oscar it jumped out of the bin and bit me (I got a virus), so this time ill just run it in Win(dows)E(mulator) in Linux
--- End quote ---

funny, the phorzen crew doesn't include viruses. Did you check for the size of the file (it tells you how big it should be on the site) and did you downloald it? was it from their site, or some sort of file sharing program?


quote: Anyways, talking about this, i made a funny site

Take a look at where the links take you

Use it to FOOL

I told [email protected] that someone was running a dl site. (No reply)


You will only hate windows when you start using somthing better... Use Linux!
--- End quote ---

Wait... These are all EXE files, someone fill me in on the joke, I don't get it. What are they, Trojans, Viruses?? .ISO.EXE isn't that how hackers and crackers hide viruses, adding extra file extensions. Windows is real smart, they hide them for you. They kinda make it easy for someone to accidently download something like that. But what's Oscar?


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