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other operating system i could b running

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god forbid, i run possibly the worst O/S in the world, win me

wat otha O/S out there cud i b running, i have considered linux, but i have heard that requires programming knowledge to run effectively, which i have none of. I was also thinking of mayb runnin 2 operating systems, possibly 2000 and linux or something, as im a bit of a gamer, and would dearly miss GTA 3, Max Payne, UT and other games not able to be played on a linux platform

you heard wrong, probably from somebody that has not used linux for at least seven years.

dual boot with a windows (does not matter which, they are all shit) and linux. pick red hat, suse, lycoris, mandrake or some other well supported linux, and if i was you i'd buy a cheap copy straight from the vendor (cheap means like $80 for SuSE, $35 from mandrake $30 from lycoris and so on - i made those figures up so don't expect them to be exactly right) - this means you get a lot of printed manuals (easier to read and more portable than docs on a CD) and three months telephone/online support (typically).

put linux and windows on the same machine and dual boot. use linux for your wordprocessing/internet/chat and so on and boot into windows for all that 3d win-only crap you want. remember to get used to linux though! once you get over the frustration watershed (yes, linux is a lot more complex and customisable than windows - ie: it's not a toy - so this means a slightly steeper learning curve that will take a short while to get over) i promise you it will have been well worth it!

and welcome to the board. post questions often if you have any problems!  

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

Welcome to the boards, I would second what Calum has said.

Also be aware that UT2003 is available for Linux (in fact it is probably on your CD right now, if you have UT2003, and you did not even know it). Of course you could always game on a console.

If you want to buy new from scratch there is also Mac, which is very good and runs most of the games you would want, but I am an Open Source advocate, I believe that provision of source code is my right as a consumer, on every product I use. The same way ingredients lists are available on food.

If you are running a M$ windows PC then your options are Linux (one of around 250 versions), OS/2 (costs a lot and not as good as Linux - opinion), BSD (three main versions, a varient of UNIX, condidered more for use on servers and requires a little more technical skill) and a few other types of UNIX and some small development OSs. As a noob I would suggest a main distribution of Linux such as Mandrake. You can download it for free and try it out, if you like what you see you could buy a full version with some manuals and support for less than a M$ OS. If you know someone who can help you out then so much the better. You do not need to be programming guru, in fact many users of Linux are not, they use their computers same way you probably do, e-mail, internet, games.

The reason you may see many people who are Linux and programmers is because the Linux environment actually gets you interested in computers, and people often keep on learning because it is more inspirational than any other OS I have ever used.

ok, thanks for that.

what would be the best office/email/internet/msn   :confused:  clients to use? Im currently running mozilla for my surfing. Can you download flash/shockwave etc for this?  :confused:  

also, how large is a fully installed linux o/s?
are those prices you quoted in $US?

I would personally stay away from dial-up with linux becuase most internal modems are winmodems and wont work. AND I REPEAT do not use MSN. Mozzila does have a flash plugin that works but i am not sure about shockwave. And installation of linuxdepends really on what you install. I usally install about 2.5 gigs worth of crap. But thats just me and i like having apps to do almost anything.You can make it less the 2 gigs though if need be.


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