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other operating system i could b running

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quote:Originally posted by bmx dirt bag:
ok, thanks for that.

what would be the best office/email/internet/msn    :confused:   clients to use? Im currently running mozilla for my surfing. Can you download flash/shockwave etc for this?   :confused:  

also, how large is a fully installed linux o/s?
are those prices you quoted in $US?
--- End quote ---

Office - OpenOffice

This is a very good office suite, however M$ cannot read the document format, so you can save your documents as .doc, .rtf, or .txt and M$ office users will not even notice the difference, until M$ change their file format.

e-mail - You already have a good client in Mozilla, but Ximian evolution is also good.

Internet - probably no problems whatsoever, however problems can exist depending on your exact modem.

Flash - there is a Linux version of flash, Shockwave is more difficult but it exists in some form - the main reason for this probably being Shockwave are heavily invested in by M$. There are cracks out there to make it work, but flash looks crap anyway so don't use it.

Your scanner may or may not work, it's USB so the odds are in your favour. There are topics in the forum on this subject.

To prove whether your system would work I would suggest you dual boot and find out. Again visit the MES FAQ and read the numerous topics on this forum on that very subject.

A fully installed Linux will probably need around 3GB, however note - this includes servers like Apache, lots of software you may never use, in fact you will only want to do a workstation install, which will be around 1.5GB plus some for files. And this can be lowered further still if you don't want to install some of the GUIs, and further still if you really really want to. You would need to learn what you want and what you need.

My ME (c:\windows) folder is currently 1.37gb, and i got ME with my computer (OEM) is there anyway without spending to much money to re-install ME 'cleanly' (lol, clean?) i am trying to find room to put linux on my computer......i currently have 2gb free, with about a gig of music to burn off.

The cds that came with my GATEWAY only say System Restoration Kit (Desktops) on them, which i am think would just re-install me again, but with all the extra crap thats made the file 1.37gig. When I first got the computer about 1 1/2 years ago, the me folder was already something like 1.3gigs, i thought ME only took up about 700-800megs or less?

PLZ HELP ME!!! I NEED ROOM TO PUT LINUX ON MY DYING BOX, Linux is the only thing that can save it from turning into a compltely useless box of comments bout it already being one plz, im already depressed......

yes, okay, first burn backups of all your data then do a complete wipe of your entire hard drive. to do this (so long as you only have one partition) you can make a 'windows ME emergency boot disk' from Control Panel>Add/RemovePrograms and boot from that, then type 'format c:' at the prompt. it's a GOOD feeling.

now you can use your system disks for windows (i presume these are real OEM full install disks, yes?) to install windows again if you really have to. Windows gives you control over some of the crap little bits you don't want. you can choose not to install lookout excess and msn messmaker for instance, thet'll reduce it by a few megs. also take a look at which has a few tools for aiding you in the installation of windows. these include adding extra options like not installing internet exploder, or they provide an uninstaller for internet exploder for if you've installed windows already et c.
DO read their docs before you try their software though, as it is not "official" microsoft software and so microsoft are of course hell bent on making their stuff as incompatible with it as possible.

Now once you have finally done that and rebooted umptytum times to reinstall your drivers and so on, install linux. first: use ctrl-alt-del to close everything except explorer and then run 'defrag'. then switch off your computer, stick your linux CD in the CD drive and prepare for the real installation.

If installing mandrake, you'll get a nice GUI to select all your partitions and so on during installation. red hat doesn't have quite as good a setup, but it's adequate. not sure what other distros have in the way of partitioning tools but some of the more crap ones (lindows fr instance) don't have anything that might help you partition your system correctly during install. might be worth asking around first.

that's it! enjoy. post often and ask questions.

Kind of off and on topic.

Just wanted to suggest going to your local bookstore abd purchasing the O'Rilley, Dummies, or RedHat8 Bible. Each of these are great Linux refrences and contain Linux install CD's.

They will also get you started right quick. For the cost of the book, you get linux and everythng you need to know about it.

Psyjax is right. A good book about Linux can save you a lot of time and (possibly) trouble later on.      I would also suggest a book from O' Reilly publications, although there are many good books out there.


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