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other operating system i could b running

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i was converted to redhat. "best move ever! :)"


quote:Originally posted by raptor:
i was converted to redhat. "best move ever! :)"
--- End quote ---

remind me, who helped you with that?

i forgot.

ya "Stryker" who was it?

stryker has been my main source of linux knowledge so far, linux is an awsome learning experience.

I hate windows so I tried linux and still am toying with it, but I switche to Mac, never looked back.  Linux is pretty easy if u use the preinstalled.  On RH8 you almost can't do that because none of it can play MP3's (for legal reasons).  I havn't been able to get xine to install, and every time I have in the past I was never able to play DVD's.  Until linux has the install capabilities of Windows or even better, the Mac.  It will always be too hard for the "basic" user.


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