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other operating system i could b running

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quote:Originally posted by flap:

did you never manage to get it working in mplayer?
--- End quote ---

no, although windows media video and quicktime now play fine (except i cannot seem to install any skins or gui or anything, this may be because i installed mplayer from source and all the skins i have are rpms et c, and no the --force --nodeps doesn't help) but dvd doesn't work at all. I only have a celery 700 though (well i have another p3 850Mhz i might try it on next) so maybe that is the problem on it's own.

have you definitely installed the gui?

as i say, i install the gui and skins with 'rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps' because the rpm database does not show that mplayer is installed, as i installed it from a tar.gz but no dice, gmplayer still doesn't work and i still get a message about no skin found when i open something with mplayer. but it works and that's the main thing.

oh yes you said, sorry.
did you specify the --enable-gui option when running configure, as per the instructions?

yup! that's why i am confused.


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