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Longhorn. Whats your opinion?

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If anyone has done any research about longhorn, they would wouldn't buy it.

Longhorn apparently only runs software that has been designed for Longhorn. It won't run anything else for Windows unless it's Windows Longhorn designed.

People's privicy today is just bloody awlful. You can't fucking take a wizz without Microsoft selling infomation to other companies about what tiolet ur using.

On one last note, have you got one of the fastest computers in the world? Well you gonna have to get one. Oh, don't forget a shit load of memory and massive video card along with a DVD burner.

What's your opinion?

Would you buy it if you were stupid?


[edit: acronyms WHERE upon us]

[ April 30, 2003: Message edited by: X11 ]

If you're talking about Palladium, then you should read more into it. According to MS, it will only be enacted when the software is specifically written to use it. It'll still run old programs and files. Even MS isn't stupid enough to make a new OS that requires completely new software.

another crap with more useless feature and more bug and the palladium.

ANyone have links about longhorn ? ehhh what is paladium ?

( excuse my ingorance )


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
ANyone have links about longhorn ? ehhh what is paladium ?

( excuse my ingorance )
--- End quote ---

Paladium was going to be this draconian Anti-Piracy, privacy invading, fasciest software layer implimented on all new windows, that would interact with TCPA fritz chips and only allow "authorized software" to run on your computer. It would make it illegal for you to even run Linux!

Anyway, M$ has since revised it's plan when it realized that the software industry was way more lucrative than protecting the entertainment industries media. Heh, monetary clout goes a long way. So they have trimed their initiative back. I don't even think it is called palladium anymore.

In any case, from what I hear Longhorn is very.... well.. wierd. It redesigns the desktop metaphore from scratch from what I hear. It should be interesting to see actually.

It may even be another BOB! YAY!


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