All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Longhorn. Whats your opinion?
I heard that Elvis works as a programmer on Longhorn.
[Old Joke] It's a lot of bull. [/Old Joke]
Well, I've seen some very interesting ideas about the changes in longhorn. According to the magazine I read it in...
And so far as I know, yes, it can only run programs designed specifically for it, because they ported the kernel to native 64-bit.
Lord C:
I have the Alpha3683 leak if anyone wants it.
Is it just me or does the name sound like swedish or kinda Viking-ish. I know a Long Horn is a northamerican breed uh cattle, but with all the out there names that linux distros have. I wonder If Windows is trying to encroch on our fledging society . Appeal with a more opensource-y kinda name.
My god the frikn words I use :D
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