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using the uptime program from microsoft..

\\WESTBOURNE_VPN1 has been up for: 417 day(s) 20 hour(s) 25 minute(s) 6 second(s)

Estimate based on the last record in the event log
See Uptime /help for more details.

This is an NT 4 server running at my school.
and you shmoes say windows is unstable beeheehee
if you want proof i can provide screenshots

Reminds me of this one Counter-Strike toon. There is this computer that has a sign "This computer has been running for 4 years straight"

Lord Destros(the protagonist in the cartoon) clicks the "Counter-Strike" icon on the desktop, a warning pops up "WARNING 0.0000001% system resources free". He runs it and the computer bursts into flames.  

Oh and the computer was using Windows 95 I believe. (So now you can't find a loophole)

Is it really wise to run a computer for more then a few days straight? Isn't it better to give those components a rest?

no, as long as the capiciters are good/*i have a few horror stories and dead x86 boxen to prove there a bitch*/ keeping the machine up forever is actually better then shutting it down. getting a 7200 rpm harddisk up to 7200 rpm takes a bit of work and where, things in motion tend to stay in motion. however, don't run shitty motherboards/computers constantly using seti iv killed three machines this way/*well, i was trying to kill one of them:;*/. however, if you have a decent mobo/processor keep it up and run seti for me. you also don't have to wait for it to boot up, its always there. i also run a lot of seti and run servers on all my boxen, by the way, does anyone want to start a windows-sucks seti team

Yes, but im a gamer and a surfer. I don't run servers and have no clue what Seti is.  

Well Linux is one thing, but with Windows you have no choice but to reboot eventually.  

Usually when I go down, my comp goes down with me to dream.  


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