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quote:Originally posted by cyrax-:
using the uptime program from microsoft..

\\WESTBOURNE_VPN1 has been up for: 417 day(s) 20 hour(s) 25 minute(s) 6 second(s)

Estimate based on the last record in the event log
See Uptime /help for more details.

This is an NT 4 server running at my school.
and you shmoes say windows is unstable beeheehee
if you want proof i can provide screenshots
--- End quote ---

Im guessing here that this box is rarely used. Im guessing this because if any new software was installed on the box, it would have to be restarted. Since no new software has been put on this computer in over a year, that suggests that it hasnt been patched for the latest round of NT4 exploits. So your school is running a server which can probably easily be compromised if it is exposed to the internet. Im guessing it isnt exposed to the internet though.


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