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when these guys say seti, they mean the united devices agent, running seti@home.
united devices have a program that snags unused flops of your CPU, but does not slow down any other programs if they want to use those flops. This enables the agent to transparently do calculations in the background. This is used to effect by SETI, as they have a thing where you download some raw info which has been recorded from incoming signals from space, and your UD agent processes the data looking for patterns. You then upload the results back to SETI, and they can save a lot of time figuring out if there's anybody out there.
There's also a program (which i am now using) which enables you to check for cancer cures in the background. Bastards have only released a windows version though, and i am no god at configuring wine (a 2 year old version of wine no less...)
ahh, i think i have to correct you calum. setiathome has it's own client it came out long before united devices's. you can find it at
it runs on atleast 20 platforms. though doesn't the united devices client also have the possiblity to run setiathome?
and about windows uptimes. at my school our network gets shut down once every 2 weeks
our network at school was fine, but then it was all macs...
As for seti@home, the united devices page says that their engine is what seti@home uses, however if you are right, then i bet that that's what they mean and they're just tootling away on their own trumpet...
My Linux Internet Gateway has been running for weeks and weeks with no problems. It is only a Pentium I with 32 MB of RAM.
btw, if anyone out there is planning on building a server that will be on all the time, DO NOT USE IBM's recent HDD's, because for a start they are a bad bunch and also IBM has made a statement saying they cannot be run 24/7. (these are the IDE ones)
yeah whats up with IBM lately, on linux servers we have been building we used to use IBM scsi drives but usually half of the batch would be DOA!! We recently switched to seagates. IBM has gone to shit for HDD's
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