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NT4 SP6 regedit


As you probably know admins often disable the use of regedit on systems. Now I need to use regedit, but I only have User priviledges. Does anybody know of a way I can edit the registry save cracking the admin password?

[ August 27, 2002: Message edited by: Tux ]

It is probably disabled using policies. If you can run poledit you can probably unlock it. But you'll probably need admin privileges for that as well. If you have permissions to manipulate the C\WINNT\LOGON.SCR you can grant yourself temporary admin privileges by making a backup of LOGON.SCR, copying CMD.EXE over it, log off, wait 15 minutes, a cmd prompt will pop up, run regedit or poledit to your liking, exit, log on, switch back the original LOGON.SCR.

Thankfully I have full RW access to C:\winnt (I'm not supposed to    )  and I thank you for your help.

just out of curiosity... what are you gonna do?

Master of Reality:
ooo.... i know some fun ways to fuck up windows computers that are at school or any other public place.

All you need to do to change the admin password is get that floppy disk that conatains a small linux that is specially designed to edit the registry and change the passwords. There is a link for it around here, but if you cant find it then i got it on my comp.

One question: Can you make shortcuts on the desktop?? If so then can you hexedit them?? If so then you can have a lot of fun  

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]


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