All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Wanna download Softwarez for Windows XP - TRY THIS SITE !!!


Hey guys !!!

Wanna download softwarez related to Windows XP, CLICK HERE

PLEASE REPLY !!!  :D    :D

Here's a much more useful link:

[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

those "softwarez look like programs that people who run windows might find useful, in one way or another, but they don't seem to be "warez", it's just a handy repository of freeware and shareware. You might as well go to for that.

Please realise that this forum is not an arena to pimp your favourite site, Speed-Rock, i hope your future posts will be a bit more thought out.

Lastly, what makes you think that people posting on the "" forums are going to want to download windows XP software? the only person here who might be interested is zombie5326546723457 and he claims to be the only person in the world whose windows XP system is already perfect so i doubt he'd want any of this stuff...


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