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MS Study: win2k cheaper than linux

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how about this one?
Another TCO Comparison (PDF)

They place Linux admin salaries at 10% more than windows; the ibm one placed linux admin sals at $12,000 ??? that's below the poverty line....

But linux still costs 24% less over three years; mostly due to the lump sum payment of $80 for the OS and included/freely-available programs... as well as no need for virus software and a few other windows necessities.  It has a very complete breakdown of prices.  Of course, they sell linux support too, but I think those numbers are a little closer to the mark, and it's very complete so you can check it out for yourself.



<< to the tune of SPAM SPAM >>


quote:Originally posted by beltorak0:

They place Linux admin salaries at 10% more than windows; the ibm one placed linux admin sals at $12,000 ??? that's below the poverty line....
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No they didn't. They said the Linux admin salary was $71,800 and the Windows admin salary at $68,500. They actually say Linux admins need to be paid more (and they should, after all they are smarter). Now where the difference comes in is the Linux admins can administer 44 Linux servers compared to only 10 Windows servers per Windows admin (and my experiences tell me this is about right). That works out to only $1,600 per server for Linux admin salary compared to $6,850 per server for the Windows admin, or $12,010 per unit for Linux and $52,060 per unit for Windows for admin salary costs. See the PDF for more explanations. I think it's actually pretty accurate from my experience in both worlds.

[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Im confused. How the hell could Linux come even remotely close to Windows for price? Don't windows have those licenses that require you to pay once for each computer you use the software on? Can't you just by ONE lowcost 3rd party copy of Redhat advanced server and install it on all computers? Who needs support, you got those admins to do it for you.

i got an email from somebody in my linux user group list last week, and at the bottom he had put 'linux is only free if you put no value on your time'. I am sure it's a famous quote from somewhere, but i don't know where.

Anyway, i think that and only that is the impetus for this microsoft attempt at pulling an entire market study out of their collective asses and sticking it up on the web.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
i got an email from somebody in my linux user group list last week, and at the bottom he had put 'linux is only free if you put no value on your time'. I am sure it's a famous quote from somewhere, but i don't know where.

--- End quote ---

Zombie used to use that line all the time. In fact it may have even been part of his tag line. Of course I am sure he heard it somewhere else. After all, windows users are followers, not leaders.


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