All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

i'm going to destroy windows

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quote:Originally posted by kibawarior:
hey i can't swith until i set up the net on linux i need the net for my course work you know then its buy winbloat.
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ok then, keep your lederhosen on! why not just get yourself on the net with linux then? or are you using some shitty windows only modem? you could have just done this instead of wasting your time gtting rid of your quicklaunch buttons.

quote:i agree about blowing up redmond
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for the record i don't.  
quote:but its best just to teach people how to disasemble windows down to only the most important features
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"it's best" is it? in what way? name *one* way in which that is best? it's a waste of time is what it is. get a real OS, learn to use it, do not pass go, do not fuck around with mswindows. simple. now that's best.
quote:like today i removed winshits version of java and removed ie  changed the skin and fuck man did it take long to remove paint.
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yes, it likely did. probably the same time it would take to completely configure slackware to my personal preferred specifications.


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