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M$ likes to shove its shit down people's throats

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So today I installed Service Pack 2 for Windoze XPee. I didn't want to do it, nor do I want to use XPee at all in the first place, but I'm forced to use it for some stuff at school and I was forced to install SP2 because of all the viruses on the campus network.

I was hoping to get it to install the cumulative set of patches to cover all the holes in the system. But What I do I get in addition to that?
Windows Media Player Series 9 installed
DirectX 9.0c installed

Piece of shit didn't even ask if I wanted that. What crap!

I may agree with you on the windows media player 9 thing its a bloated piece of shit but directx?Microsoft did good on the directx all my games played flawless with directx and kinda glitchy and slow on opengl

My dad uses WMP 7...I wonder what he'll think after I install SP2 there.


quote:Originally posted by udaki:
I may agree with you on the windows media player 9 thing its a bloated piece of shit but directx?Microsoft did good on the directx all my games played flawless with directx and kinda glitchy and slow on opengl
--- End quote ---

The point is that I didn't want DirextX 9.0c installed there, whether it sucks or not. I have no need for it. I dont play games. Things like this should be asked the user before they happen. That is one of the biggest problems today with not just Microsoft but almost every other major software company.


quote:Microsoft did good on the directx all my games played flawless with directx and kinda glitchy and slow on opengl
--- End quote ---

Most PC games are designed with DirectX in mind so there are little optimization for OpenGL. This is a very bad pratice from PC developers because the source code will be very hard to be ported on other OS. DirectX is Microsoft only (which means Other OS unlikely to get its support) while OpenGL is available on most OS.


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