All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
M$ likes to shove its shit down people's throats
quote:Novaz04: DirectX is microsofts little dirty way of putting pressure on developers to not port to other OS'es.
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Bwa, if you make a game in SDL+OpenGL first, it can be easily ported to DirectX. Look at Unreal Tournament 2004 or Neverwinter Nights for example.
How long does porting take a company? If it's a long time, they would probably jump the gun first and develop it on DirectX first, because of Windows' huge market share. This wouldn't cover Mac - Direct X porting though, would it?
quote:Novaz04: How long does porting take a company? If it's a long time, they would probably jump the gun first and develop it on DirectX first, because of Windows' huge market share. This wouldn't cover Mac - Direct X porting though, would it?
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It doesn't take long if the engine is build on SDL+OpenGL. The only thing to do then is to write a DirectX porter for it.
The game devs work on it in SDL+OpenGL and the programmers work on the engine and the port programs. It all depends on the engine.
For example, the Half-Life 2 engine is constructed from the beginning in DirectX. Porting it to Linux will be very unlikely.
The DOOM III engine has it's base in SDL+OpenGL, and porting is much easier.
Microsoft likes to Ram all their crap down your throat. Trying to remove 7-8-9 WMP and install mediaplayer 6.4 on a windows XP box is a chore and a half. Also they force you to use MSN messager 5.0 or later so you get the advantage of all the latest bloat.
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