All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

M$ likes to shove its shit down people's throats

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The shit isn't gonna hurt you, ya know. Once it's installed, it's removeable I believe, save for WMP9. Windows Media 9 is nothing more than updated WMV/WMA codecs and a new player fontend. It's the same size as what was there before.

As for whoever's dad uses WMP7... how will this affect him? If your OS runs Media 7, then it obviously isn't XP. XP was released with 8. :-D

That's weird, because according to all the update information I have seen, DirectX and WMP cannot be installed at the same time as other updates.  So they're usually pretty easy to avoid.

And while I haven't gotten it yet, I'm sure that the install is somewhat customizable, maybe.  Fuck it, it ain't my computer, it's the company's.  I sure as hell won't be having any Wincrap on my own machines.


quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:As for whoever's dad uses WMP7... how will this affect him? If your OS runs Media 7, then it obviously isn't XP. XP was released with 8. :-D
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7, 8, what's the difference.  :D   He does have XP.

DirectX is microsofts little dirty way of putting pressure on developers to not port to other OS'es.


quote:Originally posted by Novaz04:
DirectX is microsofts little dirty way of putting pressure on developers to not port to other OS'es.
--- End quote ---

One of the things I noticed about WinXP was that it included drivers for high end Nvidia and ATI boards, but ONLY with D3D drivers, NO OPENGL.


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