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I know this is old but its funny

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well I don't use MSN Messenger  and I don't realy know anyone who would ...

[ September 17, 2004: Message edited by: Talium ]

You know, Jabber is a pretty neat protocol that is actually open (as opposed to other closed networks like AIM, Yahoo, and MSN). Also, since Apple will support Jabber in the next version of iChat on Tiger, you can expect lots of people using it soon. While you're waiting for all your friends to switch over, just use a multi-protocol client like gaim in the meantime or look at the gateway feature of Jabber.

[ September 17, 2004: Message edited by: M51DPS ]

Using *one* IM network is silly.  Nobody will ever standardize on one.  I have AIM, ICQ, and Y! accounts.  I'm using Windows for the time being, and I use Trillian.  Brilliant piece of software.  Once I get transferred to Linux properly, I'll probably use Gaim.

Yes, gaim and trillian.  When I can build and run gaim on the Mac, then I will be the bomb.

The groups on MSN are nice... even though you have to have a stupid passport account to use them.


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