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People are Idiots

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quote:Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:

I agree, everyone has a right to their own opinion.  It would be someone's right to hold the opinion that jumping off a high cliff without a parachute is a fun thing to do, but its my opinion that such a person would be very intellectually challenged.

V 0.8.7
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and engineer, wait two years and then see how much it has stopped working.
two years is the average turnaround time for a new version of windows. Now let's see, do you plan to pay for a full/legal copy of whatever the next version of windows is too? maybe you don't think so now, but in two years' time (or one year and a bit now i suppose) you might be thinking about it...


quote:Originally posted by Calum-21.2:

(pic snipped)

and engineer, wait two years and then see how much it has stopped working.
two years is the average turnaround time for a new version of windows. Now let's see, do you plan to pay for a full/legal copy of whatever the next version of windows is too? maybe you don't think so now, but in two years' time (or one year and a bit now i suppose) you might be thinking about it...
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I am in school now, and I paid $5 for my copy of XP. I don't plan on buying any more M$ suites, OS or other. I have 98, 98SE, 2KPro, and XP Pro so if for some odd reason I have to go back to Windoze (doubtful) after I learn linux I have the disks. But I said I had it on my machine  ;) , I went back to 2K Pro, so I can have it to fall back on until I get good with Linux.

Don't count me out yet, us Engineers aint all bad  


i'm not counting you out, just attempting to show that a 'my copy of windows xp is fine, so suck it' type of attitude may well fall prey in the future (also, don't take it personally, i am sure that's not what you meant, but you never know what meaning some readers of the board might bring to our posts!)

I know that I am going to sound like an idiot so please don't pounce on me.  I am definately pro Linux and hate everything Microsoft.

Unless I am wrong (which I probably am) I think that the guy talking to "LinuxMan" in the first post has a point.  If Linux were as popular as MS there would be many more viruses out there for Linux.  Am I missing something?

The UNIX, Linux, permissions architecture makes it incredibly difficult to have a serious virus capable of hevy damage. Such a virus would have to run in root mode, something no one does other than for maintenance purposes. Logging out, rebooting etc. Kills all tasks, and a virus would be wiped from active memory.

It's not impossible, but it is very hard. Worm's and Trojans may be more of a threat, but only if you give them admin, or root permisions.

In windows, the OS is very pourus. There are a hundred and one loopholes easely exploited. That and curddy software like Lookout makes Windoze a virus trap.

[ October 30, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax v6.9 /Dave ]


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