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People are Idiots

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well i think his behaviour and statements make it much more likely that he is a moron. how's that for accuracy and political correctness in one?

I have actually Tried out Mandrake 7 and 8, and found that XP performs just fine for me.

You do? Tell me about it ...


quote:Originally posted by fett101:
I have actually Tried out Mandrake 7 and 8, and found that XP performs just fine for me.
--- End quote ---

oh yeah? well i've tried out windows 98, windows ME, windows 2000, and windows XP, and i find mandrake 9.0 delivers the good every time.
why not come up with a statement with bollocks? for instance: "I've tried windows xxx, blahblahblah and ZXMFGHQ and i think it SUCKS COCK!.", now there's a nonbiased statement!  :D

how can you possibly base your opinion of ONE system, on the fact that you have tried a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OTHER system? (i'd like to know...)


quote:Originally posted by Calum-21.2:
well i think his behaviour and statements make it much more likely that he is a moron. how's that for accuracy and political correctness in one?
--- End quote ---

If you say so.  


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