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People are Idiots
Well surely he is right about XP being better then W98, except for spyware possibilities, 0ldsk00l compatibility, and that registration stuff. Of course being a pir8 gets rid of that registration problem.
Doctor V:
People who use windows out of a false sense of necessity, like lazygamer, I can understand, its just those pro-M$-Windows people that really tick me off. Why on earth would anyone love those shithole Monopolists so much. Don't they ever care that they are being ripped off by them, paying 400$ for an OS when they can get a better one for way less or free. Not to mention that M$ monopoly power has given them the ability to turn winblows into watchdog. I mean if someone says , "I hate M$ but I use windows because thats what my computer came with and I want to use apps that work on it", thats not great but not evil. But retards who say stuff like "Go Microsoft / Windows is the best / innovation blah blah Intellectual Property blah blah" deserve to be scalped.
V 0.8.7
quote:Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:
its just those pro-M$-Windows people that really tick me off. Why on earth would anyone love those shithole Monopolists so much.
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I believe that's called "having an opinion"
[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]
Doctor V:
quote:Originally posted by fett101:
I believe that's called "having an opinion"
[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]
--- End quote ---
I agree, everyone has a right to their own opinion. It would be someone's right to hold the opinion that jumping off a high cliff without a parachute is a fun thing to do, but its my opinion that such a person would be very intellectually challenged.
V 0.8.7
quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
Well surely he is right about XP being better then W98, except for spyware possibilities, 0ldsk00l compatibility, and that registration stuff. Of course being a pir8 gets rid of that registration problem.
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When I had XP Pro on my machine, I never registered/activated it or whatever it and it never "stopped working" for me, not defending M$ or anything just saying. I am assuming that M$ made it necessary for the registration/activation with SP1???
Oh yea I have a Full/Legal copy
[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: Engineer ]
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