All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Use Windows -- wait, you already do, you liars

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Forget about trying in vain to get your Linux distribution to behave, or plunking down tens of thousands of dollars for a Macintosh, when you can use what works!  You can rant and rave about the merits of open source, but you decline to comment on the quality of the software in the first place.  You'd use Linux even if it ran only one program and crashed every 15 seconds, simply because it's "open source."  Open source is a failed idea, because it isn't centralized and there is no authority over it.  Any dope can submit a patch, and very few knowledgeable people contribute compared to all the idiots who probably create more bugs than they fix -- which would explain why open source software has more bugs than any other type of software.  Who are you going to trust your mission critical systems to, some pasty faced kid sitting in his room with no pants on wearing a "think geek" t-shirt, or a multibillion dollar company that is dedicated to providing customers the support they need?  And the idea that "information wants to be free" is ridiculous.  People have a right to protect their intellectual property.  Linux only exists to thwart the efforts of hard working companies like Microsoft and Adobe, turning the computer software industry into a desolate wasteland of "free software."

Don't get me started on Apple.  They are just like Microsoft, except they make slow computers and overcharge for them, and they use a fruit as their logo.  I fail to see why you have no problems with Apple, which in the past has resorted to very dirty tactics against other companies (such as suing Microsoft over using overlapping windows in their GUI -- puh-lease)  Apple acts like they invinted the idea of the GUI when they simply stole the idea themselves from XEROX Parc.  Those liars.

I frankly don't care if open source is "morally superior" to companies like Microsoft, (I don't believe it to be) and even if it were, I would use what works, not what makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (which Open source doesn't; it gives me a sinister feeling instead)  You Linux geeks can take your moral righteousness and shove it.

Another thing, everyone is up in arms about Palladium, the one thing that could save the computing industry and bring order to the galaxy.  Only somebody who wanted to download warez or look at kiddie porn would have a problem with Palladium, and you liars know that.  Palladium will be more private and secure than Linux will EVER be, simply because of the way it's designed.  You can't very easily crack hardware, after all.  The TCPA website's FAQ even stated that they support open source, what more do you want?  Linux users are never satisfied.

Go ahead, use Linux, but get off your high horse and quit acting like every move the software industry makes is an affront to "free software."


quote:Originally posted by Harry:
Don't get me started on Apple.  They are just like Microsoft, except they make slow computers and overcharge for them, and they use a fruit as their logo.  I fail to see why you have no problems with Apple, which in the past has resorted to very dirty tactics against other companies (such as suing Microsoft over using overlapping windows in their GUI -- puh-lease)  Apple acts like they invinted the idea of the GUI when they simply stole the idea themselves from XEROX Parc.  Those liars.
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Actually that is not true. Apple did not steal their OS from Xerox and Windows abused a "licence" they had with apple to borrow certain elements of the GUI. The lawsuit BTW was won on a technicality.

For the full story read:

As you will see, the actual story is much diffrent than you may belive. As for overpriced and slow, well, that is another topic all together that has been debated on the forums ad nauseum. You can dig up threads in the Lounge or the Mac section if your interested in our views about this.

Most would agree, that while PC's tend to be more powerfull, you loose in usability and stability. And they aren't THAT much more powerfull, nor THAT much cheeper for that matter.

Quality vs. quantity you might say.

Well, good luck getting responses! I'm sure Calum will have a lovely reply for you in the morning. The kind you, and everyone else around here knows, you have been fishing for    ;)  

Best of luck!

[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

It never ceases to amaze me why trolls come here thinking they are going to change minds. People come here because they are sick of Microsoft. A feeling that isn't likely to change once you've got it.

Looks like windozeluser#1234567890 is back.


Forget about trying in vain to get your Linux distribution to behave, or plunking down tens of thousands of dollars for a Macintosh, when you can use what works!
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Yes but the majority of the Linux movement would just pirate wind0ze and forget about Linux if Wind0ze was so great.

 You can rant and rave about the merits of open source, but you decline to comment on the quality of the software in the first place. You'd use Linux even if it ran only one program and crashed every 15 seconds, simply because it's "open source."
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NO THEY FUCKIN WOULDEN'T! Wind0ze would be vastly superior to Linux if that was the case.

 Open source is a failed idea, because it isn't centralized and there is no authority over it.
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That argument is good in theory.

 Any dope can submit a patch, and very few knowledgeable people contribute compared to all the idiots who probably create more bugs than they fix -- which would explain why open source software has more bugs than any other type of software.
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Any dope? When you download from a distro's website everything is perfectly screened. Chances are, any dope who submits a patch will have half-decent programming skills. Learning Linux is not easy, and only those who have INTELLECTUAL power shall join the ranks. As such, virtually all users are too sophisticated to release a patch that is shit. They either make a good patch, or they realize their shortcomings.

 Who are you going to trust your mission critical systems to, some pasty faced kid sitting in his room with no pants on wearing a "think geek" t-shirt, or a multibillion dollar company that is dedicated to providing customers the support they need?
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These same pasty faced kids are pulling off feats that bypass the security made by people three to four times their age. So trusting of multibillion dollar corporations that get beaten by immature peasants every now and then? I think I want these peasants working for me.  

I frankly don't care if open source is "morally superior" to companies like Microsoft, (I don't believe it to be) and even if it were, I would use what works, not what makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside (which Open source doesn't; it gives me a sinister feeling instead) You Linux geeks can take your moral righteousness and shove it.

--- End quote ---

Many Linux users are here for reasons besides morals. I wouden't be here at MES if Microsoft offered an awesome OS, but you have to be part of their evil empire to use it. The morals are a side effect of my hunt for a proper OS.


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