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Use Windows -- wait, you already do, you liars

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quote:Who are you going to trust your mission critical systems to, some pasty faced kid sitting in his room with no pants on wearing a "think geek" t-shirt, or a multibillion dollar company that is dedicated to providing customers the support they need?
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Yeah...a "Multibillion dollar company" that took approximately 15 years to get an operating system together that *almost* works correctly.

Gooseberry Clock:
I particularly like the way he links to fuckApple in his profile.

guys this is just WindowsXP User 2089234890342890 and you know it, it's not an abundance of trolls as much as it is 1 guy pretending to be an army.

i installed Windows XP again over my old Linux driver and it froze on the fourth day. MySQL came up with errors of duplicate entries and i had to reinstall everything which uses MySQL.... every now and then the mouse will just go fucked and started doing crazy shit on me like opening files deleting parts of a file and putting the console into my start menu (right under Outlook). it freezes every once and a while for about 10 seconds but remains usable.

i've been on Windows for 4 days and i'm already fed up with the bullshit that goes on....there is absolutely no reason for the computer for the computer to freeze for like 10seconds. i am happy to be playing Diablo2 again on the fast computer but jesus what is so hard about getting the OS to work right.

all i remember about the whole GUI thing is that Apple got the design from Xerox then MS took that same design and when Steve Jobs badmouthed Gates about it, Gates said "just because you broke into Xerox and stole the TV doesn't mean i can't go in and steal the stereo"
i actually like Bill Gates, he's so smart that it just blows me away but his company slowly went down the shitter..... i miss Windows 3.1   :(  now that would make a killer server OS.

christ this is ludicrous. I am itching to put this in the dead thread zone, but you guys just had to post in depth replies to this guy as if he was worth paying attention to.

I suppose that's just the way *nix people are...

Think about it, if somebody had been this dumb and posted a lot of shit about linux calling all the windows users liars, over on our evil nemesis board the Windows BS, they would have banned his IP within minutes and deleted all his posts.

Here, the people actually take the time to respond point by point to his insane ramblings!!!

how you lot can be bothered is beyond me.

Well, i think i will be leaving this topic open, just to give people a space to vent in...

I agree! Put this in the dead thread zone. I can't imagine this post was even trying to start a real debate. Waste of time.


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