All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Use Windows -- wait, you already do, you liars
quote:Originally posted by Chooco:
all i remember about the whole GUI thing is that Apple got the design from Xerox then MS took that same design and when Steve Jobs badmouthed Gates about it, Gates said "just because you broke into Xerox and stole the TV doesn't mean i can't go in and steal the stereo"
i actually like Bill Gates, he's so smart that it just blows me away but his company slowly went down the shitter..... i miss Windows 3.1 :( now that would make a killer server OS.
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I'm telling you Chooco, Read the link I respond to Harry's post with. The Xerox thing is all screwd up in Urban legend and crap.
As for Bill Gates being a Genius. So was Hitler :D .
He is a buissness Genius, he is certainly as ruthless if not more, than the dude in Wallstreet. But beyond that I give him no credit.
I don't think Billy G, can see beyond the tip of his nose when it comes to "inovation" or technology for the future. What he can do, is smell money, and like a Junkey running dry, will step on anyone to get it.
Isn't capitalism wonderfull? Fuck Ayn Rand.
EDIT: Ya, dump this fucking thread before Harry Ballz, decide's to post again.
[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
I will be the lame one, and say,
Harry hold that thought and pull my finger.
Its a different thing if you wanna open a debate, and its another thing going in a forum and calling everybody bitches.
People come here mostly to learn about Linux. This web site made me switch to Linux btw.
If you dont like it, leave and go to forums were MS users hang around.
BTW why there is a need to come and talk smack about a community that doesnt have a clue <insert sarcasm here>, and doesnt have a capitol big as MS?
Hmmmmmm, me thinks MS techies are afraid for their jobs.
quote:* Red Ranger Software * / Blob: I particularly like the way he links to fuckApple in his profile.
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How many times did you have anal sex with Harry before he listed your website in his profile?
I mean come on, even for an anti-Apple website it sucks. It says: "Comming soon" for over six months now.
Better start up FrontPage Express and start clicking buttons, because your embarasing yourself with this stupid website (and with many other things too).
yet another fool who gets a hard on from attempting to piss people off.
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