All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Use Windows -- wait, you already do, you liars
And by I mean the sh!t that comes from a horse.
It would never cross my mind to go to a Microsoft forum and broadcast that Linux or [wossname] is loads better there, or to register into the forum and advertise for NineInchNails there.
But, it happens, people have time to lose showing the whole world (ok ok, only the forum members ...) how silly they can be :D
Peace !
[edited: typos and missing words]
[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: Smoke974 ]
Being the bored person that I am, I decided to join a Windows XP forum so that I could argue the merits of
The site is and my screen name is LinuxUser. I have yet to post, so dont expect much controversy yet.
that Xerox GUI thing is not an urban legend it really was on TV. Bill Gates actually said that on TV.
Just because it is on TV does not make it true, rather the distorting or forgetting facts, sometimes the media will outright lie whether they realize it or not.
In this case the media is not lying though, because they are just reporting what Bill Gates said.
And even if Bill Gate's said that, that is only his opinion and does not necissarly reflect the facts. The guy at MacKido, has a very good argument against Billy G., backed up with facts, Logical analysis, and actual corespondance between the writters of the OS.
So, in cunclusion, Bill Gate's can suck my big fat A-hole for all I care. He's a dipshit.
I swear, you think with the GNP of a small country in the bank, Bill Gates would do some good with it.
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