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Windows- Big Brother 1984

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I have given up on Linux...Ok, I don't know how to program (actually Mandrake worked fine, though no matter what I did my Ethernet wouldn't work).
MY RedHat freezes upon boot. Anyways, I have no interest in using Linux, I just want to kill off every kind of spyware that XP has installed...
How do I do this?

you dont have to know how to program to use linux, and if you have any questions, or something just will not work, ask somebody on this forum, or at someplace like
If you really want to get rid of the spyware, your only option is to get rid of windows. if you dont like liunx, maybe save the cash and buy a mac. osX is very easy to get into and use, and if you are feeling adventurous, you can always open up the terminal and learn the command line/darwin. though, i think linux is the most feasable option though, since you already have the computer, and the os. anyways, i say dont give up!! it took me a while to get comfortable with linux, but i found redhat8 to be a very nice choice. it picked up my ethernet card automatically, and i was up and running in no-time.
okay, to kill the spyware, you have to get rid of windows. period.

I don't know what to do. When I am supposed to log on in RH8 the computer just freezes. For someone like me who is only good at Windows (shameful, I know), I can't see what I could do to resolve this. Already reinstall it 3 times, but it didn't help. Help?

You can disconnect your computer from the internet. Never connect it up again. This is the only way to stop your computer speaking to Microsoft Corporation. I know that's stupid and impractical.

This is why so many people make the switch - the option to stay with what they've got is no longer viable. The constrictive EULA - which in some cases may actually be illegal, a company that has been convicted for not playing by the rules. It is insecure and bug ridden - with a bug response time of months at best, spyware and licensing and constant upgrade costs.

Your hardware vendor may not support Linux, that is hardly the fault of Linux. Many people like you want to switch from an ideologically stance, and that means either commitment by you or not. How deep does you hatred run?

Personnally I would stop using computers altogether if M$ were the only option. I'd pack it up and become a lumberjack. However they are not. Lack of knowledge is all that is holding you back, and that can be cured. That is what the net is all about (information abounds out here). So maybe you can't switch suddenly, do it slowly. There are plenty of people on this forum who dual boot, until they have cured their deficiencies of knowledge, others are just waiting for a few more games to come out under Linux.

Hell it's taken me six months to get my network card running under redhat, I have multiple booted with 2K, 98, Mandrake Linux. I used what worked ineffectually until I could get what I wanted up and running.

Or buy a Mac.

Until then use non-M$ apps. Openoffice, mozilla, opera, etc.

If you would like to put forth the effort could you give us as much information about your hardware as you can? Computer make/model, video card make/model/chipset, network card make/model/chipset, processor make/model, sound card make/model. Does it also happen if you try and log in to KDE rather than Gnome?

[ November 26, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


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