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Windows- Big Brother 1984

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AMD Athlon 1.333 Ghz 512mb RAM (SD) one 5400 rpm HD one 7200 rpm HD MS-6340 via kt133 chipset Geforce2 MX The ethernet card is pretty unknown, made by a Danish company called Sandberg.

It logs into the RedHat boot thing where I choose which OS i want to boot. If i choose RH, it goes thorugh all those steps, and the login screen is there. Then it freezes.

I am just glad I have another PC as, dual booting has not worked for me  :(  but Linux will prevail as soon as I learn it all


is there a way to kill the graphical login for redhat without needing to boot into redhat?  I think there might be an error message that is not visible under the GUI; or is there a console that maintains separation from the GUI login?  In slackware it is tty4;  how about passing single-user-mode to the kernel?

Just a few ideas about how to find out what is going wrong; I don't know how to do any of them -- i boot to a console.


btw; you might try to download knoppix or demo-linux and run linux purely from a cd for a while.... or use it to attempt to get redhat to boot single-user without the GUI login....  and if yer feeling very adventurous, install slackware, debian, or LFS/Gentoo  ;)

[ November 30, 2002: Message edited by: beltorak0 ]

4 months it took me to set-up my eth network. I still don't know how I did it  :D  but it works now. it takes time and a willingness to read about the system and the problem you are having. don't discount the fact that the ethernet card might not work with linux. you might have to look it up and see if it does work
Red Hat Hardware Compatibility List. ask for help in the unix/linuix fourm
UNIX/Linux style systems

<semi offtopic>
I quite like using linux but some things (like permissions) really piss me off sometimes. I would use Linux now instead of windos except it hates my radeon  :( . I am deciding if I should temporarily downgrade to my GeForce 3 to try out Mandrake 9.
</semi offtopic>

You dont need to know how to program to use Linux - you just need to be able to read. It is easy enough and once you do it you will find it painless afterwards.

As for killing off spyware in XP - I dont know any alternative to the following :
1) Aquire a Linux install CD set
2) Insert Disc 1
3) Reboot computer
4) Delete all partitions with filesystem type of NTFS, FAT32 and FAT16.
5) Continue with Linux install

well you get my point  

<*puts on flame retardant suit*> ok im ready   :D


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