All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

How secure is Windows Firewall?

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quote: Windows Firewall can be turned off by another application
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, that's just incredible.

Canadian Lover:
So SP2 isn't great after all!

Wait, so a commercial firewall developer thinks that MS's free firewall isn't up to scratch?

What a suprise.

The firewall does a decent job qwith inbound connections, and prompts for apps listening on common ports.

But I'm sure that if MS made the XP firewall have everything that the end user could possibly want, people would whine that MS is putting commercial firewall makers out of business.

Flexbeta is not a commercial software developper. And the problem with Microsoft is not that they put software developpers out of business, the problem is that they leverage their monopoly position to take over other markets and integrate their products deep into the OS, where they don't belong.

It also doesn't matter WHO is producing the firewall, the fact that an external program can disable it is proof enough of a security glitch.  For those who don't believe that, would you consider your network secure if your router's firewall could be disabled by, oh let's say, Office?  I don't think so.


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