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How secure is Windows Firewall?

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If you can manually disable it, so can an application.

Only those with admin rights can disable it.

Besides most windows users run as admin, so even a 3rd party one isn't safe there, as malware could just kill zonealarm.exe.


quote:Originally posted by Sauron / B0B:
Wait, so a commercial firewall developer thinks that MS's free firewall isn't up to scratch?

What a suprise.

The firewall does a decent job qwith inbound connections, and prompts for apps listening on common ports.

But I'm sure that if MS made the XP firewall have everything that the end user could possibly want, people would whine that MS is putting commercial firewall makers out of business.
--- End quote ---

Just because I feel like saying, that was copied right from Slashdot,  

Also, programs can only turn it off if the user has Admin rights (which most Windows users do).  And, running a User account in Windows makes a lot of stuff act weird.  


quote:Originally posted by Sauron / B0B:
If you can manually disable it, so can an application.

Only those with admin rights can disable it.

Besides most windows users run as admin, so even a 3rd party one isn't safe there, as malware could just kill zonealarm.exe.
--- End quote ---

True. Optixpro can and does kill zonealarm.  But it doesn't matter if you are an 'admin' or not.  I've seen that trojan kill it regardless

yep! which is why I use a hardware firewall.

have automatic updating and AV scanners on my windows boxes.

and I have up-2-date (or the distro equivalent) and chkrootkit on cron for my linux boxes


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