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Microsoft EULA asks for root rights - again

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this is exactly the reason why I didn't download and install SP3 for Win2K right away, I was pretty sure there was some kinda catch  :(
Earlier today I played a divX movie which had no sound, now what I normally do when the Playa blocks on a file I check it with WMP 6.4, I found that a good way to see if there simply is a codec missing.
So I reboot in Windoze and notice that, like I thought WMP attempts to download a M$ codec.
I downloaded it without installing, read the EULA and it contains the exact same bullshit about DRM and secure content.
No more security fixes or updates from M$ for me, that's it! Windoze is far too buggy and insecure to be patched anyway.

2.4 percent of all internet users read agreements.


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
That is filthy, fucking filthy. Microsoft know that nobody reads there EULA's!
--- End quote ---

And even for those of us who do, the damned things are gettting so long that it's easy for them to sneak something in there.

Wait a sec, can't these EULA's be used against MS? Get your "pro wind0ze zombie buddy" or "wind0ze gets the job done, who needs Linux?" buddy. Now ask him to update wind0ze, show him the EULA. Even a total computer newbie should be a little shooken by these BS statements.


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