All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Go windows go!
What you know? You can tell by the grammer.
Hey Sucks guy, the next time you computer is insecure just pat it on the head and reassure it that everything will be ok.
Well being equally proficient in UNIX, Linux, and all Windows operating systems I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that Windows completely blows compared to any flavor of UNIX or Linux. And I have been a heavy user/admin of M$ operating systems since version 2.x of DOS.
And by the way, you can turn off the Apache header stuff so you can not see what modules are running or what version of Apache is being used with a single line in the configuration file. Have you seen anything even close to "Code Red" or any of the other numerous exploits/viruses in Apache? Didn't think so...
[ August 20, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
Doctor V:
quote:Originally posted by
I did not want to use "f*" as it's really UNIX way of treating people (M$, Microsucks, Internet Exploder, ...), just acting like a bunch of pissed off teenagers, not much support for accusations but a lot of fuss.
--- End quote ---
Not much support for the accusations? Really? Well then you obviously havn't read very many of the posts on this site. This site is FULL of support for the accusations. You are also hipocritical. You claim to be clean and not childish by not using obscene language or acting like a pissed off teenager, but what about that image on your site? If you don't like *nix, fine. Just shut your damn mouth and use your windows, if your happy with that, I could care less. You can shell out loads of money to BillyG's empire, and use his proven inferior proprietary products all you want for all I care. You are a sheep-slave blindly following M$. Please leave and never come back.
Did you cross-post this shit? If it even touches my forum, it's going right to Dead Thread or Ban This Asshole status.
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by AlexMax:
Ten bucks says that this is XP Loser.
--- End quote ---
no it isnt... he seems smarter than XP Luser, and he has a different ISP.
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