All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Go windows go!

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Well just to inform you I have my Linux server set up with ACLs and Samba acting an an NT PDC and I can set all the permissions on my Samba shares that you can on your 2K server from an NT workstation, 2K workstation, etc, for that secretary of yours that is too stupid to use Linux. In fact I can even use "Server Manager" included in NT and 2K to manage the shares for you, since you would obviously be lost without it.  So how does it make you feel?  Not bad for a stupid Linux user huh? How does that make you feel that you spent all that money and have even less capability than I who didn't spend a penny?  And Samba outperforms Windows by the way.  How does that make you feel?  Huh?

Who are you, and why are you here? Why are you such a loser? Maybe you should hang out at with all of your other loser friends.

Any why would I want to visit a UNIX sucks site when I've spent many years as a senior Microsoft systems engineer on hundreds of Microsoft servers, and at the same time a Senior UNIX engineer on hundreds of servers and already know that Windows is severely crippled in many more ways than one?  Not to mention the company responsible for it's existence is evil beyond belief.

[ August 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
Oh my god!
Now you started using MS technologies? And you still bashing it? And why you said it right out that you use Samba, I guess was ashame to admit that? And still question is there "how to add permissions for locally logged on user"?
Here is another thing. Win2000 and WinXP support EFS (encrypted file system) right out of the box, you can encrypt file with yor public key with a signle click of a mouse. How you gonna do that on Linux and how you gonna teach people to use it?
Here is another thing. Win2000 comes with IPSec right out of the box, you can create administer policies from domain controller and then distribute to client machines to force encryption of specific traffic. How much time it would take me to implement it in my AD enviroment, probably 2-3 hours. Please explain me how you are going to implement it in *NIX workshop.
And I'm always amazed by people who always state that they administered hundreds of Microsoft and UNIX systems knowing that I can not verify that. I can tell you that I'm Mickey Mouse with the same effect.
By the way, can you explain me how do you authenticate on hundreds of UNIX servers which you supposedly administer?

P.S. I almost forgot that you called me "loser", so minus 5 monkeys, total IQ of *NIX worshippers is 90 now. You already cost *NIX community loss of 10 monkeys, please stop personally insult me.

Why I'm here? So you would stop dreaming.

[ August 21, 2002: Message edited by: ]

hmmm, go voidmain go

now for this unixsucks dude, atleast he only crossposted once, and is keeping the drivil to one post, which imho is better then a certian other few on this board,

now as for microsoft being evil, ummmm, i guess you like to get fucked over, cuase right now, microsoft is working to piss your rights away, along with there friends at the riaa

Jesus Christ buddy, are you trying to learn UNIX?  If so, there are better ways to go about it.  I am not going to waste my time with each and every one of your questions, not because I can't because I can and I can show you how each is inferior in Windows with one arm tied behind my back. But what's the point?  You'll just come back with a hundred more questions and waste my time that I can give to someone with half a brain.  Those people who thought you were smarter than that XP Luser guy that hangs around here were way wrong.  You are pathetic.

Maybe you can explain to me why Microsoft comes out with a technology like NT Domains, and get everyone to jump on the boat only to make it obsolete a couple of years later forcing them to upgrade their entire enterprise with AD?  At least in UNIX NIS stays around and doesn't break compatibility with every release.  In fact it works and plays well with others.  Do you honestly think you have any hope of converting any of us back from paradise back to the evil from whence we came? If you do, you are delusional.  If you don't then I would say you are wasting your time and my time.

ummm, ok, ok ok, explain the U.S. naval ship that got stranded when winnt CRASHED. ummm no didn't think so. go away, and leave the linux zealots alone, and you stole that image anyway, why did you cut deamons face out and put billg's on the deamon thats fucking tux, i think the source image for that one is pretty funny, but your just pathitic.



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