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Go windows go!

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if only everyone on the board would run that, it would be a virtual slashdotting, except nobody really wants to read his poop
Oh my God, you know how to write shell scripts now. I'm so fucking impressed, it's so mature of you to try to run DOS attack against my site. It's also shows a lot of your expertise as well. Typical behaviour of script kiddie.
My site is poorely designed? Who the hell cares about it? You? Who the hell cares about what you think about my site.
I never claimed that it's a beatifull site either. And please HTML has nothing to do with OS, you can host bad HTML on any platform out there.
Just tell me, do you still have pimples on your face?

[ August 21, 2002: Message edited by: ]


quote:Originally posted by
Oh my God, you know how to write shell scripts now. I'm so fucking impressed, it's so mature of you to try to run DOS attack against my site. It's also shows a lot of your expertise as well. Typical behaviour of script kiddie.
My site is poorely designed? Who the hell cares about it? You? Who the hell cares about what you think about my site.
I never claimed that it's a beatifull site either. And please HTML has nothing to do with OS, you can host bad HTML on any platform out there.
Just tell me, do you still have pimples on your face?

[ August 21, 2002: Message edited by: ]
--- End quote ---

Ok ... this thread is going nowhere so I'm closing it.

*gives unixsucks a quarter so he can call someone who actually cares*

are there any real sites that actualy use Windows?
my isp ( uses Solaris

omg LOOK AT THIS!!!! you know that company Shaw right? they offer cable TV and internet, check out what Netcraft says their website ir sunning

The site is running Microsoft-IIS/4.0 on NT4/Windows 98.
Windows 98? rofl  :D

I guess I missed this one. Thanks for bumping it up!

quote:Originally posted by
NIS? Huh? Very secure? Plain text passwords transmitted over wire for NIS database updates.

--- End quote ---

Uh, I don't know what you are smoking but plain text passwords are not transmitted over the wire with NIS. Encrypted passwords are, which if you don't enforce good password scheme can be sniffed and cracked, just like with Microsoft Domains/AD.

Now I can configure my Linux machines to authenticate to a multitude of authentication systems including NIS, NT Domains and others.  Yes, if I choose to I can log into my Linux boxes using my NT domain ID/password using NT OR Linux PDC/BDCs as well as NIS/NIS+ and many other authentication systems. And I don't have to add third party software to do it.  Hmm, seems Microsoft clients can only authenticate with Microsoft servers. Again, "Linux=versatility", "M$=boxed in".

And I'm not trying to learn UNIX, I have enough of it after spending the whole day mastering pico.

--- End quote ---

Pico?  What a loser! A two year old child can master Pico in 5 seconds not that anyone would use it when there are 20 other better editors available on any Linux distro so you can choose the one appropriate for your skill/comfort level. There are several (kedit, kwrite, kate, etc, etc) that are nearly identical to but far superior to the, what "2" editors included with Windows? But I prefer vim, something your little peanut brain could never comprehend if it takes you all day to learn something as simple as pico.

[ August 26, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]


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