All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Go windows go!
If I may add...
FACT: If you are a true MS Soldier, then you are using fully registered/ licensed software correct?
What an incredible investment that must have been!
I wonder what would happen if MS audited you? If you are going to shit on non-MS OSes, then you should play by the rules.
Everyone, and I mean everyone who has used Windows at one time or another has "backed-up" some MS product or other. This act alone goes against the Microsoft Pledge of Allegiance. So, are you really hardcore MS, and you've spent a fortune on your software, or are you a hypocrite, and only post here because you're bored?
I'm voting on the "bored".
quote:Originally posted by sporkme / bob:
i am running windows right now -- i was playing carmageddon and mechwarrior 3 on the msn gaming zone
i would have dropped back into mandrake but i wanted to make this point:
fact: linux is more secure than windows, more stable than windows, and more difficult to use than windows.
yes, much harder, especially for a person that had used nothing but windows for years and years... but it is becoming easier and easier, and there is always mac
fact: linux is free, but windows is incredibly expensive
fact: you are lashing out at something that you do not understand. we understand windows. windows is not the problem. it is the company behind it where the bad taste lies.
fact: if a program or OS component is not working the way i need it to under linux, i can refer to the giant and friendly linux user community and go so far as to DEBUG THE PROGRAM. if something breaks windows (pun intended) i have no choice but to pay for tech support, wait for a patch, or uninstall it, even going so far as to format the hard drive if something has gone TERRIBLY wrong.
fact: i am an expert in windows, and a novice in linux.
fact: your website's code is sloppy, the content is worthless--even painful to read. i'm surprised you did not use front page. i can make a much better site with tex alone in about an hour. your image is hijacked, and no one will visit your site... expepting, of course, curious *nix users. i would advise against a guestbook or forum, lest your site become another anti-*nix site overwhelmed by pro-linux statements.
fact: in the face of palladium and tcpa, users and companies are jumping the proverbial ship, and i suppose you could take that as far as to claim that the rats know first.
fact: we support linux because we are a part of it, and it is a part of us--some more than others. consider this: most linux programs are not profitable, will never be profitable, and were never intended to be profitable. they are simply a gift to humanity. we have a major problem with microsoft in thier actions. i do not need to delve into this, this entire forum speaks for me.
fact: you have no real reason to say that unix sucks. the massive linux companies are not leaving bill gates starving in the streets. we are not buying out tech companies to ensure that they never release windows ports of thier software. you have no vested interest in microsoft--no one simply contributes to the windows operating system. there is no great windows support network (unless you pay). you support microsoft for no reason.
fact: windows just reported an illegal operation in norton
fact: i just got a BSOD
enough with that shit, on to the flame
hey, shit thrower! sign me up for half the monkeys you have left!
x11: warts lol
but to me it looks more like syphallis... they say it gets to your brain
fuck you you fucking fuck. you come around here with your banter and cock-a-doodle-fucking-doo and all you are really doing is looking for justification for your microshaft investment. you like to sit back and watch shit magically come together so no one can crack your password to get at your little boy porn
well pull your dick outta your grannys ass for long enough to realize that we are not here to debate your bullshit
you're not half the man your mommy was, and voidmain forgot more about computers, software, windows, and linux than you ever will know you sniveling little prick
your pathetic attempts at the utilization of what barely passes for the english language are emphasized by your mindless criticisms of others' typos, further indicating you are too busy yanking it with a thumb up your ass over melinda gates nipples to actually compose a coherant logical thought
EVOLVE! that or succomb to darwinian evolutionary theory... fittest thou head in thine rectum you pencil-dicked peter puffer
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
....ahh that was sweet (lights cigarette) :cool:
[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]
[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]
--- End quote ---
quote:Originally posted by
Hey, is not it you:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020530
IP address:
Coming from Australia, 5 minutes before your post. Pretty good chances, it's you.
Admit it and go cry that now everybody knows that you use Microsoft Windows while promoting UNIX.
[ August 21, 2002: Message edited by: Ex Eleven / b0b ]
--- End quote ---
do me a favor. bash x11 again.. just do it. if you look, you will see several hits from comcast in both win/mozilla and lin/mozilla. the important thing is that you shut the hell up about x11 using windows... i also use both, but like x11's setup, windows has become more of a program than an operating system... windows manuals actually instruct you to shut down whily you are not using the machine. i can maintain windows for about 2 days tops, then it is crash city and bye-bye. linux has no such half-life. linux will run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run and run and........ AHHH!
windows: run and run and ruuuuuuun and run? and ru.....n and r...r, r,r,r,r... run an, d? rn and ru.. ?Z?CRAsHHHHHH
go windows go, straight to hell. if i was *allowed by bill* to run 2 specific (major go my geeky ass) games i would be able to completely dis windows. it makes me feel dirty, like i just beat "" mom with a wooden broom and then shoved a rack of deer horns up her ass... dirty as hell, i am a guilty ass windows abuser!
well, case in point, in usual "bobness" ...shove it up your ass, then choke on it, then spit it up, then shove it again, then choke on it again, and keep choking, and keep choking, and turn around and watch as your wife licks my asshole you raving windows lunatic... i am really trying to make your website so you can get an actual google hit (try it) me and the other guy posting relavent shit ot relavent forums get twice the hits your worthless POS gets
you just got one hit, and the hit for your site was "the future home of"
first on that was a frustrated unix user (who forgot to hit spacebar 2 years ago), displaying a bunch of code that could NEVER be posted by a winders user:
unixsucks returned 6 results on google
unix -space- sucks returned about 54 thousand (keep in mind, that includes "I LIVE UNIX, WINDOWS SUCKS"
search for fuckmicrosoft returned "about 3,610" results.
search for "fuck microsoft" returned about 100,000
search for "fuck unix" returned about 42k hits
search for "fuck windows" returned about 261 k results
lookie here, prick... the real numbers speak before you. people, en masse, in the majority, and smarter than you prefer non-ms operating systems, software, and people.
piss off, non-bob crotch-cricket
i await your retort
some innane biased statistics? are you waiting for a post like this?
[ September 02, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]
i wanna do a post like yours
fact: windows fucked me over 2 days ago so i had to reinstall it (see thread 'was i hacked or did MS screw me?')
fact: Linux doesn't jerk me around unless i dicked around with it
fact: when i have a linux problem, there are more than 10,000 people at to point me in the right direction
fact: the site is ugly as crap and i got banned for 3 days simply because i said "Linux never does this" when talking about having to reinstall 4 times since last december which is not even a year ago!
fact: (they own windowsxpuser and are a bunch of dictating pieces of crap who ban you if you say ANYTHING against Windows. go to and read what it says about Windows 95
fact: Windows has no tech support and nobody seems to know how to fix anything that is wrong with it. i've asked questions at places like anandtech, techimo, sysopt and windowsxpuser and nobody seems to know how to fix anything
fact: O'Reilly books are basically the only type of technical support you can get for Windows (i WOULD buy the Windows XP one if i had some assurance that in 2 years from now there wouldn't be a new OS)
fact: this forum program doesn't email people when they get a reply, where did you guys even find this program???
well i'm done my screwy posting :D
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