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XP Does'nt detects my modem ???
I use my Modem to connect to Internet, after use when i unplug my modem, and try connecting later. I have detect for my modem. Is there any alternative.
Help appreciated !!!
Thanx !!!
don't unplug the modem.
And hey, don't thank me, it's all in a day's work... :D
why not get a real OS, speedfreak?
Me too :D
Do I smell xPiss around here.. Damn those winblows users.. so dirty..
Listen speedo.. this is m$ eradiction society.. we couldn't care less about your xp shit. If you wan't to use real operation systems like linux, freebsd or mac to name the few, then you are welcome to ask advices for your troubles.
Got to ask for cleaner .. rm -fR
[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: SingleMalt ]
<edit - i had to edit your message so the URL does not point to M$, wouldn't want it to be too easy for the little bastards!>
[ May 10, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
Well, it seems that XPee doesn't handle very well the modems stuff. I've had another exciting XPerience about this.
First; I'll confess that since I work as a developer for NT/2000 applications, I have XP on my laptop (here in Cuba there ain't many non-M$ developers :-( ; at least that I know, so dub me whatever U like)
Anyway, here goes my history.
I've used my modem to send faxes and some other things. The matter is that XP detects my modem and install HIS drivers. From this point on, the modem sucks. I have to install the W2k drivers(after convince XP of I'm older than 21 and I assume the consecuencies of installing these drivers, and all that stuff) wich actually work pretty well.
In a decent OS, this should keep that way forever.
Off course, I have XP, and some day I found that my modem doesn't work. Why? Because the "smart" XP has changed the ol drivers with HIS drivers. And the story starts again.
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