All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Disable CD-Key

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OK, I need to reinstall Windows XP, but I lost my case (which had the CD-Key).  How can I disable the CD-Key requirement for Windows XP Home ?  Thanks !

okay, there are some good cracks for this here, here and here!

really though, i am suspicious of anybody who says they need to reinstall windows P, what's wrong with you? think about a world where it is necessary for somebody to install a crappy proprietary operating system, do you want to live in a world that would allow one company that much power?

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

actually, I wanted to install Windows, not Linux !  BTW, I already have 3 versions of Linux thankyouverymuch  ;)

Master of Reality:
what linuces(??) are you running?

I'm not running them, but I have the CDs.  I have Corel Linux Second Edition, Mandrake 8.0 and RedHat 7.3


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