Author Topic: W2000 VS XP  (Read 3616 times)


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W2000 VS XP
« on: 2 October 2002, 06:31 »
Ok, I've heard alot of anti-XP sentiment here. Now I personally can't see the problem with it, but im kinda a dumb-dumb who can't always see what the wind0ze fuss is about.  

So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?

Like if W2000 had better 0ldsk00l compatiblity then XP, and was actually faster and stabler, and less spyware to boot, I would have to give it a serious consideration.

Hint:I will not ever get rid of wind0ze(for a few years anyways), so don't bother saying what I think im gonna hear.  ;)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #1 on: 2 October 2002, 06:38 »
Windows XP is way ahead of Windows 2000 in application compatibility, speed(on newer hardware), hardware support, stability and XP has a much better GUI(you can skin the hell out of XP's GUI as opposed to Win2K having limited GUI skinning support).

If you are really afraid of *gasp* Windows Messenger(which can be easily disabled or uninstalled) and Windows Media Player 8(a great player...but WMP 9 for XP is better...PS, WMP 9 on Win2K and Win9x sucks as bad as WMP 7.1 did)  then you may want to install Win2K.

If it were my box I would leave XP on it. If you install Win2K you will see how primitave older versions of Windows really are compared to XP. ;P

(EDIT)I'm not bashing Win2K at all because it is a great performing/stable OS too(much better than Win9x)..Im just saying it is outdated and primitave compared to XP.

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #2 on: 2 October 2002, 07:21 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Ok, I've heard alot of anti-XP sentiment here. Now I personally can't see the problem with it, but im kinda a dumb-dumb who can't always see what the wind0ze fuss is about.    

So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?

Like if W2000 had better 0ldsk00l compatiblity then XP, and was actually faster and stabler, and less spyware to boot, I would have to give it a serious consideration.

Hint:I will not ever get rid of wind0ze(for a few years anyways), so don't bother saying what I think im gonna hear.   ;)  

Just one thing -- I'm in no way "supporting" XP, but removing XP just because _other_people_ bash it is not a good reason. You should use XP if you don't see anything wrong with it. It's kind of like listening to Blink182 -- just because they're popular.


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #3 on: 2 October 2002, 07:45 »
XP sucks, use Linux.  
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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #4 on: 2 October 2002, 08:05 »
Originally posted by void main:
XP sucks, use Linux.          

You know what? I installed Mandrake 9.0 last week and played with it for a few hours and I've come to the conclusion that Linux still sucks. Not as bad as it used to(it isn't as command line dependant now) but it is still nowhere near Windows in friendliness. Take for instance, I wanted to access my Windows partation in Linux and even that was a chore. In Windows you would just go to my computer and double click on the drive partion you want to view(only takes a few seconds to do), in Mandrake you have to type in /dev/(whatever your partation name is) in Konquerer(I think that was the default Mandrake browser) to access the partation. For a person who does not know how to access partations in Linux it would take them a while to figure it out. What should be a few second task can very easily become a several minute to several hour task in Linux. Luckily for me I have some Linux knowledge so it wasn't an issue for me...but what I'm trying to point out is that simple tasks are made difficult in Linux(for the non-tech types).

It also pissed me off that I wasn't able to run most of my favorite games and N64 emulators in Linux. So what am I supposed to do in Linux? Am I supposed to sit around and surf the net all the time or work in OpenOffice all the time? I think not...In Windows I can surf, work and play all in one nice looking, easy to use OS.  

Another thing that pissed me off about Mandrake is the media player that came with it would cause my machine to lock up every single time I tried to listen to a 128kbps or better MP3. I have never had WMP or any other media player in Windows cause my machine to lock up. If media causing a machine to lock up is your idea of stability then you must have something wrong with your head. Sure Linux didn't crash, it just hard locked. ;P

Linux didn't have P2P programs nearly as good as Windows P2P programs(the Gnutella is a joke because alot of the users on it are leechers who refuse to let people download from them) for downloading music, videos, apps and those damned video games that I have come to know and love ;P.

Another thing I didn't like about Linux was the interface. I didn't care for the new KDE at all. It was dog ugly in my opinion. None of the other GUI's were attractive or practicle either.

Mandrake took considerably longer to fully boot up than Windows XP does. I also noticed that my CPU temps in Linux were like 6+ degrees Celsius higher at all times in Linux than they were in Windows XP(I guess WinNT's built in HLT CPU commands make a difference).  

I've came to the conclusion that I'm not going to bother with Linux again. There is no compelling reason for me to use it because Windows does everything that Linux does only it is easier(can get done faster) in Windows plus Windows has the app/game library that I need.  

If anything I'll say tha t Mandrake was a waste of my time and a waste of 2 CD's.
Thankfully Linux will be no more if MS successfully goes through with Palladium.     ;)

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #5 on: 2 October 2002, 08:14 »
XP sucks, use Linux.
What did I say?  

You have a good point Zombie, but that doesn't always apply. I sometimes can not see the problems with something until someone points it out...

Like spyware. Im not really concerened about it right now. Im more concerned about speed, 0ldsk00l, and stability. Also viruses and h4x0ring don't concern, because I don't seem to get viried, and I don't seem to get h4x0red.  

Of course there is always a first time and I don't back up my system. So it's good that im investing the time to slowly learn Linux.

I can see where your coming from Zombie. I don't think it's that Linux is not user friendly, im sure it's very user friendly if you master it. The key is that wind0ze is a jump on and go system, Linux is not.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #6 on: 2 October 2002, 08:18 »
Mandrake? You didn't have to waste any CDs, I coulda told you that sucked. N64 emulators? Why not just get an N64, or maybe a life?  Hmmm, you spent $1500 on your machine and $300 on your operating system to emulate a machine you can get for $10 at the salvation army. Makes sense to me....

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #7 on: 2 October 2002, 08:19 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
What did I say?    

You have a good point Zombie, but that doesn't always apply. I sometimes can not see the problems with something until someone points it out...

Like spyware. Im not really concerened about it right now. Im more concerned about speed, 0ldsk00l, and stability. Also viruses and h4x0ring don't concern, because I don't seem to get viried, and I don't seem to get h4x0red.    

Of course there is always a first time and I don't back up my system. So it's good that im investing the time to slowly learn Linux.

I can see where your coming from Zombie. I don't think it's that Linux is not user friendly, im sure it's very user friendly if you master it. The key is that wind0ze is a jump on and go system, Linux is not.

The thing is, XP doesn't spy on you like Linux Zealots try to say that it does. WMP does the exact same thing all other media players do, it connects to a server to get album info for the compact media that you are listening to. Big deal huh? The thing is, it is ok for other players to do it but it is bad if WMP does it.  :rolleyes: .

I would like to know what exactly is in Windows XP that spies on you and where is the proof? Anyone can lie about something, I don't believe it until there is good proof.

My firewall has never once picked up a log of anything Microsoft trying to phone home and spy on me(and yes I pay close attention to my firewall log).

I think alot of these Anti-MS people are full of shit.


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #8 on: 2 October 2002, 08:21 »
Let me add a little to the discussion:
3 computers, non-firewalled on the campus network where my sister is going. One is running XP, another OS X 10.2, and one Linux.

2 Weeks later, the WintelXP has 180 viruses (Nimda, Klez, Sircam, ETC) and it even has a virus scanner.
The Linux PC has no virii
The Mac machine got some Nimda files on it (*.eml), but they did nothing, and they were easily deleted.

As for conformity/popularity, it's for idiots IMO. Most people who try to be like other people have very little knowledge of there own in my experience. In the case of some people I know, they used what came on the computer, and haven't changed it. People are still running 98 SE because they don't know how/when/why to upgrade/switch.



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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #9 on: 2 October 2002, 08:24 »
Originally posted by void main:
Mandrake? You didn't have to waste any CDs, I coulda told you that sucked. N64 emulators? Why not just get an N64, or maybe a life?  Hmmm, you spent $1500 on your machine and $300 on your operating system to emulate a machine you can get for $10 at the salvation army. Makes sense to me....

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Heh, N64 games in 1600x1200x32bpp w/ 2x FSAA looks a hell of alot better than the real N64's native NTSC resolution. PSX games look alot better on an emultor in high resolutions than a real PSX too.

BTW, I can play my games on my TV from my PC in NTSC resolutions with the addition of 4x FSAA(which makes it look better than the real thing on the TV too ;P).

As for the get a life statement, perhaps maybe you should practice what you preach. I'm not the fool who spends 24/7 hours of my life on a fucking forum trying to convert people to an immature OS. I do alot of other things in my life than sit around on the MES and other pro Linux forums. I've been gone from online life for nearly a month and sure enough...when I return...VoidMain is still sitting here online posting on a stupid forum. That is a real exciting life, eh? LoL


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #10 on: 2 October 2002, 08:27 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

(EDIT)I'm not bashing Win2K at all because it is a great performing/stable OS too(much better than Win9x)..Im just saying it is outdated and primitave compared to XP.

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

If by primitive you mean lacking in DRM and spyware, then you are correct, XP is light years ahead of W2k in terms of that.  Skinning?  Whatever do you mean?  Windows 2000 supports windowblinds, doesn't it?  If you think the default XP interface looks good then you are on crack.  Red Hat's bluecurve looks much more professional.

I've seen your posts before, Zombie328529, and I must ask you, why do you come to an anti-Microsoft site with this drivel?  98% of people here have used Windows extensively before, and switched to Linux/Mac because they figured out from experience that Windows sucks.  I'm appalled that you find WMP to be a "deciding factor" in using XP.  What's so great about it anyway?  All it does is support DRM and the proliferation of Windoze Media (TM) files that aren't viewable on other platforms.  Fortunately, I come across very little windows media files on the internet, probably because the format sucks.  Linux can play 90% of media files out of the box using Xine and xmms, and ogle (which doesn't come in any Linux distro in the US because it violates the DMCA - but is easily downloadable) allows Linux to play any DVD -- even encrypted ones.

Posted by lazygamer:
So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?

You're a step in the right direction somewhat (removing XP) but you're still using Windows.  I suppose if you must use Windows (and I don't see that you do, unless your hardware doesn't work on Linux (doubtfull) or you need to use a lot of Windows-only programs (flash, photoshop, all that shit) then just use whatever you think you want.  If your current copy of XP itself is pirated, then go ahead and put 2K on your machine, since Microsoft will bomb your copy of XP if you try to install SP1.  (might be the same with 2k but I doubt it)  Frankly XP gave me more shit than 2k ever did, what with problems with my cd-burner, internet explorer freezing up on me when accessing certain sites, giving fatal errors while shutting down, etc.  But mainly, it's XP's bullcrap like DRM, alleged spyware in WMP, pirated copies being bombed by M$, uninstallable IE, paving the way for Palladium, and so on that make it a dubious choice for an OS.  Honestly, XP sucks compared to Linux no matter how you slice it.  (Zombie will disagree I'm sure)  Check out Red Hat 8, I'm using it right now and it's great.  It's easier to install than any version of Windows, it has automatic updates, a great interface that looks a lot better than anything I've ever seen (Mac OS X included, which I think looks too loud) and is totally free.  You'll be so glad to be rid of memory-hungry virus scanners, nagware shareware apps, having to crack programs, and messing with the Windoze registry just to install updates on your pirated system.  Just say No! to Windows.    ;)

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Orc Peon ]

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Apple: Think different - or we'll sue your pants off!
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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #11 on: 2 October 2002, 08:29 »
I post on forums that fit my feelings. You on the other hand appear to only be here to stir up trouble. If I were "pro-Windows" I would go help those poor saps out at as they surely need all the help they can get.  All I see over there are losers.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #12 on: 2 October 2002, 08:29 »
Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Let me add a little to the discussion:
3 computers, non-firewalled on the campus network where my sister is going. One is running XP, another OS X 10.2, and one Linux.

2 Weeks later, the WintelXP has 180 viruses (Nimda, Klez, Sircam, ETC) and it even has a virus scanner.
The Linux PC has no virii
The Mac machine got some Nimda files on it (*.eml), but they did nothing, and they were easily deleted.

As for conformity/popularity, it's for idiots IMO. Most people who try to be like other people have very little knowledge of there own in my experience. In the case of some people I know, they used what came on the computer, and haven't changed it. People are still running 98 SE because they don't know how/when/why to upgrade/switch.


You know why the Windows machine got hit by viruses? It is because Windows is so popular and so widely used that people make viruses for Windows to cause mass destruction. If Linux was used by nearly as many people as Windows there would be alot of Linux virii. Why would anyone write a mass destruction program(virus) for an OS that only has .025% of the desktop OS share? That would be pointless if you ask me. If people would get a good AV program for Windows it wouldn't be a problem. Knowing an Open Source freak though, he probably chose to use some freeware AV program and didn't bother to update virus definitions(which is why the machine got infected).


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #13 on: 2 October 2002, 08:33 »
Originally posted by Orc Peon:
If by primitive you mean lacking in DRM and spyware, then you are correct, XP is light years ahead of W2k in terms of that. Skinning? Whatever do you mean? Windows 2000 supports windowblinds, doesn't it? If you think the default XP interface looks good then you are on crack. Red Hat's bluecurve looks much more professional.

Ehh? WindowsBlinds fucking sucks dude. When I say skinable, I mean modifying MS Style Visual Styles. Windows Blinds skins can be very slow when compared to the built in skinning system that XP has. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't alot of Windows Blinds themes have Alpha Blending issues?

Now, can you prove to me that XP is full of spyware? I'm not going to believe a un-proven comment made by a Anti-MS zealot. Where is your cold-hard proof buddy?

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #14 on: 2 October 2002, 08:35 »
Originally posted by void main:
I post on forums that fit my feelings. You on the other hand appear to only be here to stir up trouble. If I were "pro-Windows" I would go help those poor saps out at as they surely need all the help they can get.  All I see over there are losers.

I don't have the time to sit on my ass all day and help people with OS problems. That is what paid technichians are for. I think that some of you are pretty big losers for sitting on these damn forums all day everyday. Here in a few minutes I'll be outta here cause I have places to go(I have a nice lil party to attend to tonight  :D ).