Originally posted by Zombie9920:
(EDIT)I'm not bashing Win2K at all because it is a great performing/stable OS too(much better than Win9x)..Im just saying it is outdated and primitave compared to XP.
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
If by primitive you mean lacking in DRM and spyware, then you are correct, XP is light years ahead of W2k in terms of that. Skinning? Whatever do you mean? Windows 2000 supports windowblinds, doesn't it? If you think the default XP interface looks good then you are on crack. Red Hat's bluecurve looks much more professional.
I've seen your posts before, Zombie328529, and I must ask you, why do you come to an anti-Microsoft site with this drivel? 98% of people here have used Windows extensively before, and switched to Linux/Mac because
they figured out from experience that Windows sucks. I'm appalled that you find WMP to be a "deciding factor" in using XP. What's so great about it anyway? All it does is support DRM and the proliferation of Windoze Media (TM) files that aren't viewable on other platforms. Fortunately, I come across very little windows media files on the internet, probably because the format sucks. Linux can play 90% of media files out of the box using Xine and xmms, and ogle (which doesn't come in any Linux distro in the US because it violates the DMCA - but is easily downloadable) allows Linux to play any DVD -- even encrypted ones.
Posted by lazygamer:
So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?
You're a step in the right direction somewhat (removing XP) but you're still using Windows. I suppose if you
must use Windows (and I don't see that you do, unless your hardware doesn't work on Linux (doubtfull) or you need to use a lot of Windows-only programs (flash, photoshop, all that shit) then just use whatever you think you want. If your current copy of XP itself is pirated, then go ahead and put 2K on your machine, since Microsoft will bomb your copy of XP if you try to install SP1. (might be the same with 2k but I doubt it) Frankly XP gave me more shit than 2k ever did, what with problems with my cd-burner, internet explorer freezing up on me when accessing certain sites, giving fatal errors while shutting down, etc. But mainly, it's XP's bullcrap like DRM, alleged spyware in WMP, pirated copies being bombed by M$, uninstallable IE, paving the way for Palladium, and so on that make it a dubious choice for an OS. Honestly, XP sucks compared to Linux no matter how you slice it. (Zombie will disagree I'm sure) Check out Red Hat 8, I'm using it right now and it's great. It's easier to install than any version of Windows, it has automatic updates, a great interface that looks a lot better than anything I've ever seen (Mac OS X included, which I think looks too loud) and is totally free. You'll be so glad to be rid of memory-hungry virus scanners, nagware shareware apps, having to crack programs, and messing with the Windoze registry just to install updates on your pirated system. Just say No! to Windows.

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Orc Peon ]