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W2000 VS XP

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Ok, I've heard alot of anti-XP sentiment here. Now I personally can't see the problem with it, but im kinda a dumb-dumb who can't always see what the wind0ze fuss is about.  

So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?

Like if W2000 had better 0ldsk00l compatiblity then XP, and was actually faster and stabler, and less spyware to boot, I would have to give it a serious consideration.

Hint:I will not ever get rid of wind0ze(for a few years anyways), so don't bother saying what I think im gonna hear.  ;)

Windows XP is way ahead of Windows 2000 in application compatibility, speed(on newer hardware), hardware support, stability and XP has a much better GUI(you can skin the hell out of XP's GUI as opposed to Win2K having limited GUI skinning support).

If you are really afraid of *gasp* Windows Messenger(which can be easily disabled or uninstalled) and Windows Media Player 8(a great player...but WMP 9 for XP is better...PS, WMP 9 on Win2K and Win9x sucks as bad as WMP 7.1 did)  then you may want to install Win2K.

If it were my box I would leave XP on it. If you install Win2K you will see how primitave older versions of Windows really are compared to XP. ;P

(EDIT)I'm not bashing Win2K at all because it is a great performing/stable OS too(much better than Win9x)..Im just saying it is outdated and primitave compared to XP.

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
Ok, I've heard alot of anti-XP sentiment here. Now I personally can't see the problem with it, but im kinda a dumb-dumb who can't always see what the wind0ze fuss is about.    

So should I go through the effort to get a pirated W2000 and wash off my Xpee? Or is XPee really not so bad?

Like if W2000 had better 0ldsk00l compatiblity then XP, and was actually faster and stabler, and less spyware to boot, I would have to give it a serious consideration.

Hint:I will not ever get rid of wind0ze(for a few years anyways), so don't bother saying what I think im gonna hear.   ;)  
--- End quote ---

Just one thing -- I'm in no way "supporting" XP, but removing XP just because _other_people_ bash it is not a good reason. You should use XP if you don't see anything wrong with it. It's kind of like listening to Blink182 -- just because they're popular.

XP sucks, use Linux.  


quote:Originally posted by void main:
XP sucks, use Linux.          
--- End quote ---

You know what? I installed Mandrake 9.0 last week and played with it for a few hours and I've come to the conclusion that Linux still sucks. Not as bad as it used to(it isn't as command line dependant now) but it is still nowhere near Windows in friendliness. Take for instance, I wanted to access my Windows partation in Linux and even that was a chore. In Windows you would just go to my computer and double click on the drive partion you want to view(only takes a few seconds to do), in Mandrake you have to type in /dev/(whatever your partation name is) in Konquerer(I think that was the default Mandrake browser) to access the partation. For a person who does not know how to access partations in Linux it would take them a while to figure it out. What should be a few second task can very easily become a several minute to several hour task in Linux. Luckily for me I have some Linux knowledge so it wasn't an issue for me...but what I'm trying to point out is that simple tasks are made difficult in Linux(for the non-tech types).

It also pissed me off that I wasn't able to run most of my favorite games and N64 emulators in Linux. So what am I supposed to do in Linux? Am I supposed to sit around and surf the net all the time or work in OpenOffice all the time? I think not...In Windows I can surf, work and play all in one nice looking, easy to use OS.  

Another thing that pissed me off about Mandrake is the media player that came with it would cause my machine to lock up every single time I tried to listen to a 128kbps or better MP3. I have never had WMP or any other media player in Windows cause my machine to lock up. If media causing a machine to lock up is your idea of stability then you must have something wrong with your head. Sure Linux didn't crash, it just hard locked. ;P

Linux didn't have P2P programs nearly as good as Windows P2P programs(the Gnutella is a joke because alot of the users on it are leechers who refuse to let people download from them) for downloading music, videos, apps and those damned video games that I have come to know and love ;P.

Another thing I didn't like about Linux was the interface. I didn't care for the new KDE at all. It was dog ugly in my opinion. None of the other GUI's were attractive or practicle either.

Mandrake took considerably longer to fully boot up than Windows XP does. I also noticed that my CPU temps in Linux were like 6+ degrees Celsius higher at all times in Linux than they were in Windows XP(I guess WinNT's built in HLT CPU commands make a difference).  

I've came to the conclusion that I'm not going to bother with Linux again. There is no compelling reason for me to use it because Windows does everything that Linux does only it is easier(can get done faster) in Windows plus Windows has the app/game library that I need.  

If anything I'll say tha t Mandrake was a waste of my time and a waste of 2 CD's.
Thankfully Linux will be no more if MS successfully goes through with Palladium.     ;)

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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