All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
W2000 VS XP
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You know why the Windows machine got hit by viruses? It is because Windows is so popular and so widely used that people make viruses for Windows to cause mass destruction. If Linux was used by nearly as many people as Windows there would be alot of Linux virii. Why would anyone write a mass destruction program(virus) for an OS that only has .025% of the desktop OS share? That would be pointless if you ask me. If people would get a good AV program for Windows it wouldn't be a problem. Knowing an Open Source freak though, he probably chose to use some freeware AV program and didn't bother to update virus definitions(which is why the machine got infected).
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Again, spreading bullshit. Zombie, in Windows a person opens the wrong email attachment and a virus is launched infecting Windows system files. For the 2 millionth time. This can not happen on a Linux system. Users do not have write access to any executable files, therefore viruses can not work. Quit spreading shit already...
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I don't have the time to sit on my ass all day and help people with OS problems. That is what paid technichians are for. I think that some of you are pretty big losers for sitting on these damn forums all day everyday. Here in a few minutes I'll be outta here cause I have places to go(I have a nice lil party to attend to tonight :D ).
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Unfortunately the only reason I am spending so much time on-line helping people is because I busted up some bones and don't have any other choice. They're healing up real nice so I likely won't have nearly the time to spend here that I have for the last couple of months. I'll be out trying to break more bones.
quote:Originally posted by void main:
Again, spreading bullshit. Zombie, in Windows a person opens the wrong email attachment and a virus is launched infecting Windows system files. For the 2 millionth time. This can not happen on a Linux system. Users do not have write access to any executable files, therefore viruses can not work. Quit spreading shit already...
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Unless you are logged in as root. I'm sure some of the clever virus programmers out there could write damaging viruses for Linux that would work no matter what the circumstance is. Like I said, Linux isn't used by enough people for a virus writer to even waste his time writing a virus for Linux.
quote: Posted by Zombie283527879:
You know why the Windows machine got hit by viruses? It is because Windows is so popular and so widely used that people make viruses for Windows to cause mass destruction. If Linux was used by nearly as many people as Windows there would be alot of Linux virii. Why would anyone write a mass destruction program(virus) for an OS that only has .025% of the desktop OS share? That would be pointless if you ask me. If people would get a good AV program for Windows it wouldn't be a problem. Knowing an Open Source freak though, he probably chose to use some freeware AV program and didn't bother to update virus definitions(which is why the machine got infected).
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Do you know why Windows gets hit by viruses? It's because the OS wasn't built from the groud up with security in mind, unlike *NIX systems. Any ol' program can fuck up your system files, which is unheard of under Linux. I find it odd that you would use the argument that the reason Windows seems to have more security flaws than Linux is because it is more widely used, since Windows has a smaller market share than Linux on the server end, and yet strangely, it suffered more defacements in 2001 than all other OS's combined, according to How about them apples?
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I wanted to access my Windows partation in Linux and even that was a chore. In Windows you would just go to my computer and double click on the drive partion you want to view(only takes a few seconds to do),
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Try getting to your linux files in Windows.
Doesn't it only support fat32 and ntfs formatted filesystems?
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]
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