All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
W2000 VS XP
quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
Try getting to your linux files in Windows.
Doesn't it only support fat32 and ntfs formatted filesystems?
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]
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I'll give you that, Windows can't access Linux partations. You can get your Linux files onto your Windows partation though. To do that you would simply copy the files over to the Windows partation from Linux.
Linux doesn't handle NTFS the greatest though, so the partion argument isn't that big of a thing.
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Unless you are logged in as root. I'm sure some of the clever virus programmers out there could write damaging viruses for Linux that would work no matter what the circumstance is. Like I said, Linux isn't used by enough people for a virus writer to even waste his time writing a virus for Linux.
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UNIX 101, you don't do user stuff as root, guess you haven't read that chapter. Oh that's right, you used it for 2 hours and now you are an expert on the subject... And BTW, even as root you will not launch a virus by reading email. Linux mail clients aren't brain dead enough to allow execution of code from unknown sources simply be reading a message. Who's dumb ass idea was that one?
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You know why the Windows machine got hit by viruses? It is because Windows is so popular and so widely used that people make viruses for Windows to cause mass destruction. If Linux was used by nearly as many people as Windows there would be alot of Linux virii. Why would anyone write a mass destruction program(virus) for an OS that only has .025% of the desktop OS share? That would be pointless if you ask me. If people would get a good AV program for Windows it wouldn't be a problem. Knowing an Open Source freak though, he probably chose to use some freeware AV program and didn't bother to update virus definitions(which is why the machine got infected).
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Who said I was an open source freak?!?
The virus scanner used was services. Not exactly open source. Norton was used after McAfee couldn't find and remove all of the viruses.
quote:Originally posted by void main:
UNIX 101, you don't do user stuff as root, guess you haven't read that chapter. Oh that's right, you used it for 2 hours and your decision was made.
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I've used it more than 2 hours in the past(because my job forced me to learn how to use Linux and Unix). I don't need a book to tell me not to do stuff as root because I already know that. ;P
Tell that to the fools who will be using Lindows in the future. IT is to my understanding that everything in Lindows is done when logged in as root.
Even logged in as root mail programs in Linux are not brain dead enough to execute code let alone from unknown sources just by reading a message. Who's dumb ass idea was that?
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