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W2000 VS XP

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
McCafee isn't exactly the best AV software to initially use. That reminds me of theMcAfee anti-virus software fails to block Klez virus warning that was out not very long ago. If McCafee can't block the Klez virus very well what makes you think it will protect against other viruses effectivley. If you had've been using Norton AV 2002 or 2003 initially I bet you wouldn't have ever go the viruses to begin with. I am satisfied with Norton cause my system has never been infected once by any viruses or E-Mail worms since I started using Norton.
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This is just plain funny. If Microsoft operating systems were worth a shit, there would be no need for AV vendors. And if Microsoft is so good, why the hell don't they have their own AV software, after all they wrote the OS, they should know the most about the subject. Oh yeah, it's not their problem.


quote:Originally posted by Orc Peon:

First of all, because Windows is closed source it could be full of spyware and backdoors, since you can't just look at the source code to prove otherwise.  However, I'm the one making the claim that Windows has spyware, so I won't ask you to "disprove" it.  That'd be like me saying to you "prove God doesn't exist, otherwise he exists!"

Here's an interesting article for you to read that might raise a few questions:

Just what is the definition of "spyware," anyway?  Before we can decide if Windows XP is indeed spyware, we have to define spyware.  I'd say spyware is any software that reports what you do on your computer or can view files or upload things to your computer without your consent.  Under that definition XP is certainly spyware, it even says so in the MS EULA.  On page 6, you "acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the Product and / or It's components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or fixes to the product that will be automatically downloaded to your Workstation Computer."  That is spyware in my book, especially since it is capable of doing it without your consent.  Under that clause Microsoft could secretly apply a patch to everyone's copy of WMP that incorporates more digital rights management, or any number of other possibilities.
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From the article- MS doesn't collect information about local searches. "No information is ever collected by Search Companion when you search your local system, LAN, or intranet for any reason."

I certainly didn't pick up anything to contradict that. But there is some obvious collecting when SA is used to search the Internet.

Boodaya, search assistant isn't spying on you. It is simply updating some files. Big whoopidity doo. Oh-No, MS is going to use my IP that connected to there server against me. Maybe MES forums spy on us because it logs IP's when people connect to it and posts. What a bunch of fucking retards some of you are.

It is a fact that when a machine connects to a host machine the host will log the IP of the machine connecting to it.  :rolleyes:

I said I want some *proof* of *spyware*. LoL


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

They are trying to prove that if everyone had a real life and didn't have the time to sit on thier asses all day cyberspace would be a much better place. Really, why don't people who write viruses go find something constructive to do with thier time? Fuck this place, I have stuff to go do tonight. I'll fight with you all later. ;P
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How many times are you going to claim you have a life? You have been sitting on the boards for 2 hours fighting with us over futile shit. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, FUCKING LEAVE, AND DON'T COME BACK TROLL!    :mad:  

/Really PO'ed and sick of listening to Zombie's relentless bitching

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

Norton??!?!?!?!  That shoddy shitware is worse than a virus!!  Deleted half my documents, SystemWorks did!


quote:Originally posted by Orc Peon:
Norton??!?!?!?!  That shoddy shitware is worse than a virus!!  Deleted half my documents, SystemWorks did!
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Systemworks is dangerous if you misuse it(I've fucked shit up in Windows 98 with systemworks). I only use thier AV software and the personal firewall(which is a very good firewall especially combined with a few other firewalls).


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