All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
W2000 VS XP
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
How many times are you going to claim you have a life? You have been sitting on the boards for 2 hours fighting with us over futile shit. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, FUCKING LEAVE, AND DON'T COME BACK TROLL! :mad:
/Really PO'ed and sick of listening to Zombie's relentless bitching
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
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Ok, I'm outta here for real this time. I will be back sometime though(lucky you). ;P
I'm not a troll, I just don't don't go by what rumors that unprofessional computer users have to say about software that they dislike(just because the software is made by a monopoly). I need good proof before believe rumors. Have a good night gents.
P.S. It sounds like you are the one bitching and moaning in that message. I'm just sitting here having a nice lil argument. I'm not whining about anything. Personally I don't care what OS you people use. I do find it rather unusual that 90% of the Linux community are the no-life type people who sit on a comp all day. Most of you are probably living in your parents' basement. LoL
[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by void main:
This is just plain funny. If Microsoft operating systems were worth a shit, there would be no need for AV vendors. And if Microsoft is so good, why the hell don't they have their own AV software, after all they wrote the OS, they should know the most about the subject. Oh yeah, it's not their problem.
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One more comment to make. ;P
If MS made AV software and built it into the OS people would cry that MS is trying to drive AV vendors out of business(an anti-trust case waiting to happen). MS is damned if they don't and MS is damned if they do. It is like a catch 22. :rolleyes:
quote: Maybe MES forums spy on us because it logs IP's when people connect to it and posts. What a bunch of fucking retards some of you are.
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You're right, some web pages do spy on you, in a way, using cookies and referrer logging. I don't, however, think that the help agent in Windows needs to upload stuff like that, for any reason, without first asking.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Systemworks is dangerous if you misuse it(I've fucked shit up in Windows 98 with systemworks). I only use thier AV software and the personal firewall(which is a very good firewall especially combined with a few other firewalls).
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So let me get this straight. I pay $300 for a nice shiney XP CD. Then I go install the thing which of course requires me to make a Call to Microsoft so they can make sure I didn't steal it. Then I have to buy a couple of copies of AV software. How much is that going to cost me? Then I have to find some good firewall software? Oh, then if I want to create some documents or spread sheets I gotta spend how much more for Office XP? And then if I want to learn a little programming I have to spend how much more for Visual Crappio.NET? Then if I want to do some database work I need to spend how much more on SQL Server?
Seems like a pretty incomplete package to me, not to mention a scam.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
If MS made AV software and built it into the OS people would cry that MS is trying to drive AV vendors out of business(an anti-trust case waiting to happen). MS is damned if they don't and MS is damned if they do. It is like a catch 22. :rolleyes:
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No, they were damned from the start because there never should have been a *need* for AV vendors.
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