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W2000 VS XP

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Ok, I'm outta here for real this time. I will be back sometime though(lucky you). ;P

I'm not a troll, I just don't don't go by what rumors that unprofessional computer users have to say about software that they dislike(just because the software is made by a monopoly). I need good proof before  believe rumors. Have a good night gents.

P.S. It sounds like you are the one bitching and moaning in that message. I'm just sitting here having a nice lil argument. I'm not whining about anything. Personally I don't care what OS you people use. I do find it rather unusual that 90% of the Linux community are the no-life type people who sit on a comp all day. Most of you are probably living in your parents' basement. LoL

[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
--- End quote ---

I'm not bitching, you are. Definiton of bitching:
   3. Slang. A complaint.
   4. Slang. Something very unpleasant or difficult.

YOU are being very unpleasant and difficult. I'm not complaining, I'm just telling you to fuck off, OK?

You need proof? You have plenty of proof, but you are interpreting it wrong. Wake up and look at it from more than one perspective. You need to see things from more than one side to understand it, and use it.
*I once thought Windows was good (like you)...I tried Linux, and hated it (like you), then I tried a Mac with an open mind, and loved it*

I'm not going to argue any further. Your OS is your choice, just go somewhere appropriate with it, like or start your own that isn't full of losers.

ya, it's spyware:

And eaven if you say, "well it's only media player"

What are your thought's on compulsory product activation? TCPA, and the rest of the framework built up in the EULA?

I mean comeon, maybe it's not spyware, maybe it's more like REICHware.

I don't give a shit if they spy or not, but they are deffinetly after more controll over people's lives than they should be in contoll of.

I always wonder as to what people think Bill is doing with any info he may be collecting. I doubt he plans on trying some worldwide coup. That's a bit silly. Use info to somehow obliterate all competition? There's seemingly little competition with windows on so damned many pc's, and the existince of mac and linux are helping MS' trust troubles. Selling to marketing guys? Who knows. But those guys get info from anyone/everyone anyway. Every CD, DVD, Game, Software, Hardware you buy is kept track of so they know what's popular and what's not. I'm sure you guys have plenty other thoughts on this.

Lol I can't believe I singlehandedly started a flamewar, causing Zombie to leave in disgust.

Well Void, I have never had a broken bone, I think it's because im l33t but I could be wrong.  ;)

So because you're layed up for the next 2 months, I'd better try and discover all my Linux questions and then ask them, so you can answer them. If you the time, my "Lazy's Linux Adventures thread" has many "Linux X-files" that haven't been solved yet.  ;)

What side to I take on the spyware? I take the MES side.

Hmmm any other W2000 VS XP comments?

Nah, you didn't start the flame war. Zombie and I like to get into a good slingin' every couple of weeks. It's fun. I'll try and help you with any Linux questions you have.

As far as the Win questions I'll leave that to Zombie. I don't believe I've ever seen him actually try and help anyone who comes to this BBS with Win problems. He just likes getting in the slingin' contest. But we all love him here. If it weren't for him, this place would be pretty boring.

[ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]


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