All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

W2000 VS XP

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Tell that to the fools who will be using Lindows in the future. IT is to my understanding that everything in Lindows is done when logged in as root.
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Who here would even consider Lindows as a real linux distro?



quote:Ghost: s
--- End quote ---

Wow, really huh? That's cool, I'll try to hit the "S" button now.


Cool, a "S" just displayed on the screen! These things called computers are really amazing  


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
because if palladium goes through then there will be no more P2P apps, and stuff like that.
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Only if you are using M$ software. Another example of M$ shooting themselves in the foot. I am beginning to think that Palladium might be the best thing that could happen to Linux. It will give people more reason to ditch M$ and go Linux. When they figure out they can no longer play music files or use P2P apps it will be the last straw for many more windoids. Go Palladium!

Lol that is a good argument, suddenly im less troubled by Palladium. Maybe Palladium will just work itself out, and too many things will go wrong, causing an MS meltdown.  


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