All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
W2000 VS XP
quote:XP sucks, use Linux.
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What did I say?
You have a good point Zombie, but that doesn't always apply. I sometimes can not see the problems with something until someone points it out...
Like spyware. Im not really concerened about it right now. Im more concerned about speed, 0ldsk00l, and stability. Also viruses and h4x0ring don't concern, because I don't seem to get viried, and I don't seem to get h4x0red.
Of course there is always a first time and I don't back up my system. So it's good that im investing the time to slowly learn Linux.
I can see where your coming from Zombie. I don't think it's that Linux is not user friendly, im sure it's very user friendly if you master it. The key is that wind0ze is a jump on and go system, Linux is not.
Mandrake? You didn't have to waste any CDs, I coulda told you that sucked. N64 emulators? Why not just get an N64, or maybe a life? Hmmm, you spent $1500 on your machine and $300 on your operating system to emulate a machine you can get for $10 at the salvation army. Makes sense to me....
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
What did I say?
You have a good point Zombie, but that doesn't always apply. I sometimes can not see the problems with something until someone points it out...
Like spyware. Im not really concerened about it right now. Im more concerned about speed, 0ldsk00l, and stability. Also viruses and h4x0ring don't concern, because I don't seem to get viried, and I don't seem to get h4x0red.
Of course there is always a first time and I don't back up my system. So it's good that im investing the time to slowly learn Linux.
I can see where your coming from Zombie. I don't think it's that Linux is not user friendly, im sure it's very user friendly if you master it. The key is that wind0ze is a jump on and go system, Linux is not.
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The thing is, XP doesn't spy on you like Linux Zealots try to say that it does. WMP does the exact same thing all other media players do, it connects to a server to get album info for the compact media that you are listening to. Big deal huh? The thing is, it is ok for other players to do it but it is bad if WMP does it. :rolleyes: .
I would like to know what exactly is in Windows XP that spies on you and where is the proof? Anyone can lie about something, I don't believe it until there is good proof.
My firewall has never once picked up a log of anything Microsoft trying to phone home and spy on me(and yes I pay close attention to my firewall log).
I think alot of these Anti-MS people are full of shit.
Let me add a little to the discussion:
3 computers, non-firewalled on the campus network where my sister is going. One is running XP, another OS X 10.2, and one Linux.
2 Weeks later, the WintelXP has 180 viruses (Nimda, Klez, Sircam, ETC) and it even has a virus scanner.
The Linux PC has no virii
The Mac machine got some Nimda files on it (*.eml), but they did nothing, and they were easily deleted.
As for conformity/popularity, it's for idiots IMO. Most people who try to be like other people have very little knowledge of there own in my experience. In the case of some people I know, they used what came on the computer, and haven't changed it. People are still running 98 SE because they don't know how/when/why to upgrade/switch.
quote:Originally posted by void main:
Mandrake? You didn't have to waste any CDs, I coulda told you that sucked. N64 emulators? Why not just get an N64, or maybe a life? Hmmm, you spent $1500 on your machine and $300 on your operating system to emulate a machine you can get for $10 at the salvation army. Makes sense to me....
[ October 01, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
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Heh, N64 games in 1600x1200x32bpp w/ 2x FSAA looks a hell of alot better than the real N64's native NTSC resolution. PSX games look alot better on an emultor in high resolutions than a real PSX too.
BTW, I can play my games on my TV from my PC in NTSC resolutions with the addition of 4x FSAA(which makes it look better than the real thing on the TV too ;P).
As for the get a life statement, perhaps maybe you should practice what you preach. I'm not the fool who spends 24/7 hours of my life on a fucking forum trying to convert people to an immature OS. I do alot of other things in my life than sit around on the MES and other pro Linux forums. I've been gone from online life for nearly a month and sure enough...when I return...VoidMain is still sitting here online posting on a stupid forum. That is a real exciting life, eh? LoL
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